Sunday, September 15, 2024

TUSA 10/2 for Our Elections with Amy Stoehr, Lisa Crump, Robert Wolff & Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America

 An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ

Transform USA Monthly National Prayer Call
Transforming America TOGETHER in CHRIST
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
United Intercession
for Our Elections
with TUSA Host Team Members
Amy Stoehr, Lisa Crump, Robert Wolff
11:00 am-12:00 pm Eastern, 10:00-11:00 am Central
9:00-10:00 am Mountain, 8:00-9:00 am Pacific
Call: 267-807-9611  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

Agenda in Pacific Time / Eastern Time 
Please adjust to your time zone (subject to change)

8:00-8:20 / 11:00-11:20 am
Embracing CHRIST's Attitude for Our Elections by Amy Stoehr, TUSA Host Team, Co-Founder, River Gardens, Vista, California. Leadership Team, (5-10 min); Prayers offered by multiple Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min)

8:20-8:40 am / 11:20-11:40 am
Our Elections & Key Domestic Issues/National Security by Lisa Crump, TUSA Host Team, Serving with Christian Emergency Network Prayer & Liberty Prayer Caucus, El Paso County, CO (5-10 min); Prayers offered by multiple Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min)

8:40-9:00 am / 11:40 am-12:00 pm  
Our Elections & Foreign Policy, Including Towards Israel by Robert Wolff, TUSA Host TeamPresident, Majestic Glory,, Executive Editor, UNITY Awakening the One New Man (5-10 min); Prayers offered by multiple Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min)

TUSA Host Team: 

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