Thursday, August 27, 2020

TUSA 9/1 for Spiritual Awakening in Navajo Nation, New Mexico, Arizona

Updated, Monday, August 31, 2020

Inviting Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America to the Transform USA (TUSA) Nat'l Prayer CallNEXT Tue 9/1focused on Spiritual Awakening in New Mexico, Arizona, Navajo Nation, 9:00-10:45 am Mountain (8:00-9:45 am Pacific), 712-770-4010, code 900655#, read below for details. TUSA 9/3 for Spiritual Awakening in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama.

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA National Prayer Call
THIS Tuesday Morning, September 1
Interceding for Spiritual Awakening
in New Mexico, Arizona, Navajo Nation
8:00-9:45 am Pacific, 9:00-11:45 am Mountain,
10:00-11:45 am Central, 11:00 am-112:45 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
With invited Servant Leaders including: Honorable Myron & Dottie Lizer, Vice President & Second Lady, Navajo Nation, www.navajo-nsn.govclick here for VP Lizer's speech during RNC, 8.25.2020Adam Begaye, Assistant to Vice President Lizer; Linda Jaramillo, New Mexico State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force,; Rabbi Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory, Awakening the One New Man; www.awakening1.orgFounder, Sign the O.A.T.H. Project, www.signtheoath.orgRabbi Mark Tross, Coordinator, New Mexico Prayer Connect, nmprayerconnect.orgJohn Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council,; Convener, National Prayer Assembly, nationalprayerassembly.orgDennis Poper, Co-Chair, New Mexico Men of Honor, www.nmmenofhonor.comCheryl Schuelke, Founder, Awaken Prayer,, Arizona Co-Leader, Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN), www.azhapn.coSaeed Hosseini, Founder/Director, Prayer Pavillion - Global 365 Prayer Network; www.prayerpavilion.orgSister Georjean AllenbachEvangelical Sisterhood of Mary; www.kanaan.orgTim & Sandy Ravan, Founders/Directors, Global Connectors, 

TUSA 9/1 schedule in Mountain Time
Please be sure to adjust to your time zone. 
  • 8:55-9:05 am  Welcome & Opening Prayers
  • 9:05-9:30 am  Focus on Spiritual Awakening in New Mexico with Speaker Rabbi Mark Tross, New Mexico Intercessors & Intercessors Across America
  • 9:30-9:55 am  Focus on Spiritual Awakening in Arizona with Speaker Cheryl Schuelke, Arizona Intercessors & Intercessors Across America
  • 9:55-10:25 am  Focus on Spiritual Awakening in Navajo Nation with Speaker Navajo Nation VP Myron Lizer, Navajo Intercessors & Intercessors Across America
  • 10:25-10:45 am  Important Announcements, Inspirational Comments, Closing Prayers

  Gathering the Body of Christ to Intercede for Such a Critical Time as This!
Our nation is facing the greatest challenge since World War II.  TOGETHER we must engage in wartime prayer against the real invisible enemy.  Therefore, Transform USA National Conference Call has transitioned from monthly to twice weekly pray calls: TOGETHER Responding to the COVID-19 National Crisis in PRAYER, Tuesday & Thursday Mornings, 8-9:30 am Pacific / 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, using 712-770-4010 & code 900655#.  Our 90 minutes together will include insights and words of inspiration from servant leaders towards prevailing intercession.  Please consider inviting fellow brothers and sisters Christ.  Visit: ~ Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Nat'l Conf Call,, 530-570-0085

Image may contain: text that says 'Transform USA BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS (TRANSFORMING USA) ARE POSSIBLE MATTHEW 19:26'

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

TUSA 8/27 for Spiritual Awakening in Tennessee, Kentucky & Intercession for President Trump

Click HERE for PRAYING ON THE MOUNTAIN Documentary &
register your commitment to pray for spiritual awakening.

Inviting Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America to the Transform USA (TUSA) Nat'l Prayer CallTHIS Thur 8/27focused on Spiritual Awakening in Tennessee, Kentucky, 10-11 am Central, and Critical Prayers for President Trump, 11 am-12 pm Central, 712-770-4010, code 900655#, read below for details., visit TransformUSA.infoTUSA 9/1 focused on New Mexico, Arizona, Navajo Nation.

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA National Prayer Call
THIS Tuesday Morning, August 27
Interceding for Spiritual Awakening
in Tennessee Kentucky: UNITED We 
Stand Together as CHRIST's Volunteers
8:00-10:00 am Pacific, 9:00-11:00 am Mountain,
10:00 am-12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
With confirmed Servant Leaders including: Bob Perry, serving on Leadership Team, Sacred Assembly, Tennessee,; Jacqie Kruger, serving with Kentucky Reformation Prayer Network,

  Gathering the Body of Christ to Intercede for Such a Critical Time as This!
Our nation is facing the greatest challenge since World War II.  TOGETHER we must engage in wartime prayer against the real invisible enemy.  Therefore, Transform USA National Conference Call has transitioned from monthly to twice weekly pray calls: TOGETHER Responding to the COVID-19 National Crisis in PRAYER, Tuesday & Thursday Mornings, 8-9:30 am Pacific / 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, using 712-770-4010 & code 900655#.  Our 90 minutes together will include insights and words of inspiration from servant leaders towards prevailing intercession.  Please consider inviting fellow brothers and sisters Christ.  Visit: ~ Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Nat'l Conf Call,, 530-570-0085

Image may contain: text that says 'Transform USA BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS (TRANSFORMING USA) ARE POSSIBLE MATTHEW 19:26'

Thursday, August 20, 2020

TUSA 8/25 with Alveda KIng for Georgia, NC, SC & TUSA 8/27 for Tennessee, Kentucky, President Trump

Click HERE for PRAYING ON THE MOUNTAIN Documentary &
register your commitment to pray for spiritual awakening.

Inviting Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America to the Transform USA (TUSA) Nat'l Prayer CallTHIS Tue 8/25with Alveda King focused on Spiritual Awakening in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Critical Prayers for President TrumpThur 8/27focused on Spiritual Awakening in Tennessee, Kentucky, 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, 712-770-4010, code 900655#, read below for details., visit

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA National Prayer Call
NEXT Tuesday Morning, August 25
Interceding for Spiritual Awakening
in Georgia, North & South Carolina
8:00-9:30 am Pacific, 9:00-11:30 am Mountain,
10:00-11:30 am Central, 11:00 am-12:30 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
With confirmed Servant Leaders including: Evangelist Alveda King, Niece of Dr. MLK, Jr., Serving as Pastoral Associate, Priests for Life, AND Executive Director, Civil Rights for the Unborn,, Co-Author of  the Book, We're Not Colorblind, Executive Producer of Roe v. Wade Movie, click here to watch trailer, visit www.alvedaking.comGreg Mathis, Senior Pastor, Mud Creek Baptist Church, North Carolina,, Leadership Team, Praying on the Mountain - Spiritual Awakening, www.prayingonthemountain.orgRick Lindsay, Founder/Director, Encourage Men to Pray,, South Carolina State Leader, National Day of Prayer Task Force,, Prayer Leaders, South Carolina Governor's Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.orgFred LunsfordWorld War II Veteran, Retired Pastor, Convener, Praying on the Mountain for Spiritual Awakening, www.prayingonthemountain.orgBob Coulter, Senior Bishop, The Missionary Church International (TMCI),

We're Not Colorblind – Healing The Racial Divide

NEXT Week, Thursday Morning, Aug 27
Interceding for Spiritual Awakening
in Tennessee Kentucky: UNITED We 
Stand TOGETHER as CHRIST's Volunteers
With confirmed Servant Leaders including: Bob Perry, serving on Leadership Team, Sacred Assembly, Tennessee, sacredassembly.comJacqie Kruger, serving with Kentucky Reformation Prayer Network,

Gathering the Body of Christ to Intercede for Such a Critical Time as This!
Our nation is facing the greatest challenge since World War II.  TOGETHER we must engage in wartime prayer against the real invisible enemy.  Therefore, Transform USA National Conference Call has transitioned from monthly to twice weekly pray calls: TOGETHER Responding to the COVID-19 National Crisis in PRAYER, Tuesday & Thursday Mornings, 8-9:30 am Pacific / 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, using 712-770-4010 & code 900655#.  Our 90 minutes together will include insights and words of inspiration from servant leaders towards prevailing intercession.  Please consider inviting fellow brothers and sisters Christ.  Visit: ~ Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Nat'l Conf Call,, 530-570-0085

Image may contain: text that says 'Transform USA BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS (TRANSFORMING USA) ARE POSSIBLE MATTHEW 19:26'

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

TUSA 8/20 for Spiritual Awakening in the Tri-State Region of NY, NJ, Conn & TUSA 8/25 with Alveda King

and register your commitment to pray for spiritual awakening.

Inviting Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America to the Transform USA (TUSA) Nat'l Prayer CallTHIS Thur 8/20focused on Spiritual Awakening in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut & also for 50 Day Fight, Sept 14-Nov 3, 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, 712-770-4010, code 900655#, read below for details.

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA National Prayer Call
THIS Thursday Morning, August 20
Interceding for Spiritual Awakening
in the Tri-State Region: NY, NJ, Conn
With Confirmed Servant Leaders including:
Gregg Healey, Sonia McNair, Lloyd Turner,
Christie Emenike, Chinoye Okoli, Dan Bernard

TUSA 8/20 Schedule/Agenda in Eastern Time
Be sure to adjust to your time zone. Subject to change.
  • 10:55-11:05 am  Greet one another & opening prayers.  Welcome & purpose of TUSA 8/20 by Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Nat'l Prayer Call,, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,
  • 11:05-11:10 am  Prayer points for Metro New York City/New York State by Sonia McNair, President, New York Media Initiative, New York State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force.
  • 11:10-11:30 am  United intercession for Metro New York City/New York State offered by connected Tri-State Region & other servant leaders/intercessors across America (up to 1 min per intercessor).
  • 11:30-11:35 am  Prayer points for New Jersey by Lloyd TurnerCo-Founder, PrayForNewark, NJ, Author of the Book, Highways of Holiness.
  • 11:35-11:50 am  United intercession for New Jersey offered by Christie Emenike & Chinoye Okoli, New Jersey, Serving with Wailing Women International & African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network, connected Tri-State Region & other servant leaders/intercessors across America (up to 1 min per intercessor).
  • 11:50-11:55 am  Prayer points for Connecticut by Gregg Healey, Leadership Team, Impact Connecticut, Serving with 10 Days of Prayer, September 19-28.
  • 11:55 am-12:10 pm  United intercession for Connecticut offered by connected Tri-State Region & other servant leaders/intercessors across America (up to 1 min per intercessor).
  • 12:10-12:25 pm  Invitation & prayer points for the 50 Day FIght, September 14-November 3 by Dan Bernard, Founder/President, Somebody Cares, Tampa Bay, Producer, The Favorite Movie 2019, Convener, 50 Day Fight.  Prayers for 50 Day Fight offered by connected servant leaders/intercessors across America (up to 1 min per intercessor).
  • 12:25-12:30 pm  Closing comments by Dai Sup Han & closing prayer.

NEXT Week, Tuesday Morning, Aug 25
Interceding for Spiritual Awakening
in Georgia, North & South Carolina
With Evangelist Alveda King
Gathering the Body of Christ to Intercede for Such a Critical Time as This!
Our nation is facing the greatest challenge since World War II.  TOGETHER we must engage in wartime prayer against the real invisible enemy.  Therefore, Transform USA National Conference Call has transitioned from monthly to twice weekly pray calls: TOGETHER Responding to the COVID-19 National Crisis in PRAYER, Tuesday & Thursday Mornings, 8-9:30 am Pacific / 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, using 712-770-4010 & code 900655#.  Our 90 minutes together will include insights and words of inspiration from servant leaders towards prevailing intercession.  Please consider inviting fellow brothers and sisters Christ.  Visit: ~ Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Nat'l Conf Call,, 530-570-0085

Image may contain: text that says 'Transform USA BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS (TRANSFORMING USA) ARE POSSIBLE MATTHEW 19:26'

Friday, August 14, 2020

TUSA 8/18 for Spiritual Awakening in DC, VA, MD, The Return, NPA & TUSA 8/20 for NYC, NY, NJ, Conn

and register your commitment to pray for spiritual awakening.
Click HERE for 8/22 PRAY CALIFORNIA National Conference

Inviting Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America to the Transform USA (TUSA) Nat'l Prayer CallNEXT Tue 8/18focused on Spiritual Awakening in Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland & also for The Return, Sept 26, National Prayer Assembly, Oct 14-15, 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, 712-770-4010, code 900655#, read below for details.

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA National Prayer Call
NEXT Tuesday Morning, August 18
Interceding for Spiritual Awakening
in Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland
Also for The Return, DC, September 26,
8:00-9:30 am Pacific, 9:00-11:30 am Mountain,
10:00-11:30 am Central, 11:00 am-12:30 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
With Confirmed Servant Leaders including (in alphabetical order): Maria Angelucci, Sara Ballenger, Mark BelilesMaryal BoumannLuis BushWilliam Cook, Donna Deter, Summer IngramFred Lunsford, Donna Matts, Barbara Potts, John Robb, Robert & Annette Stagmer 

TUSA 8/18 Schedule/Agenda in Eastern Time
Be sure to adjust to your time zone. Subject to change.
  • 10:55-11:05 am  Greet one another & opening prayers.  Welcome & purpose of TUSA 8/18 by Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Nat'l Prayer Call,, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,
  • 11:05-11:10 am  Prayer points for Washington DC by Luis Bush, Visionary, 10/40 Movement, Transform World,, 4/14 Window Movement,
  • 11:10-11:25 am  United intercession for Washington DC offered by Sara BallengerPresident, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP), www.capitolhillprayer.orgSummer Ingram, National Director of Prayer and Mobilization, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation (CPCF),, and connected servant leaders/intercessors across America. (up to 1 min per intercessor).
  • 11:25-11:30 am  Prayer points for Virginia by William Cook, Founder/CEO, America's Black Robe Regiment (BRR), BRR of Virginia,  .
  • 11:30-11:45 am  United intercession for Virginia offered by Mark BelilesPresident, Global Transformation Network,, North America Facilitator, Transform World, www.transform-world.netDonna MattsVirginia State Prayer Leader, National Governors Prayer Team,, and connected servant leaders/intercessors across America. (up to 1 min per intercessor).
  • 11:45-11:50 am  Prayer points for Maryland by Barbara PottsMaryland State Prayer Coordinator, Aglow International,, Washington DC/Mid Atlantic Regional General, Generals International/Reformation Prayer Network,
  • 11:50 am-12:05 pm  United intercession for Maryland offered by Robert & Annette Stagmer, Apostolic Leaders, Revelation 22 Ministry, revelation22.netDonna Jeter, Intercessor, Annapolis Capital Prayer Team, Maria Angelucci, serving with Prophetic Soul Transformation, and connected servant leaders/intercessors across America (up to 1 min per intercessor).
  • 12:05-12:10 pm  Invitation & prayer points for The Return, September 26 & National Prayer Assembly, October 14-15 by John Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council,, Convener, National Prayer Assembly,  
  • 12:10-12:25 pm  United intercession for The Return & National Prayer Assembly offered by Fred LunsfordWorld War II Veteran, Retired Pastor, Convener, Praying on the Mountain for Spiritual Awakening, www.prayingonthemountain.organd connected servant leaders/intercessors across America (up to 1 min per intercessor).
  • 12:25-12:30 pm  Closing comments by Dai Sup Han & closing prayer offered by Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA,
  • 12:30 pm  Important announcements including PRAY CALIFORNIA National Conference, August 22, Praying on the Mountain for Spiritual Awakening, TUSA 8/20 for Metro NYC, NY, NJ, Conn.

NEXT Thursday Morning, August 20
Interceding for Spiritual Awakening
in New York, New Jersey, Conn.
Also for 50 Day Fight, Sept 14-Nov 3
With Confirmed Servant Leaders including:
Gregg Healey, Leadership Team, Impact Connecticut
Sonia McNair, President, New York Media Initiative,
New York State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer
Christie Emenike & Chinoye Okoli, New Jersey,
Serving with Wailing Women International &
African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network
Gathering the Body of Christ to Intercede for Such a Critical Time as This!
Our nation is facing the greatest challenge since World War II.  TOGETHER we must engage in wartime prayer against the real invisible enemy.  Therefore, Transform USA National Conference Call has transitioned from monthly to twice weekly pray calls: TOGETHER Responding to the COVID-19 National Crisis in PRAYER, Tuesday & Thursday Mornings, 8-9:30 am Pacific / 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, using 712-770-4010 & code 900655#.  Our 90 minutes together will include insights and words of inspiration from servant leaders towards prevailing intercession.  Please consider inviting fellow brothers and sisters Christ.  Visit: ~ Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Nat'l Conf Call,, 530-570-0085

Image may contain: text that says 'Transform USA BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS (TRANSFORMING USA) ARE POSSIBLE MATTHEW 19:26'