Updated, Monday, August 31, 2020
Inviting Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America to the Transform USA (TUSA) Nat'l Prayer Call, NEXT Tue 9/1, focused on Spiritual Awakening in New Mexico, Arizona, Navajo Nation, 9:00-10:45 am Mountain (8:00-9:45 am Pacific), 712-770-4010, code 900655#, read below for details. TUSA 9/3 for Spiritual Awakening in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama.
An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA National Prayer Call
THIS Tuesday Morning, September 1
Interceding for Spiritual Awakening
in New Mexico, Arizona, Navajo Nation
in New Mexico, Arizona, Navajo Nation
8:00-9:45 am Pacific, 9:00-11:45 am Mountain,
10:00-11:45 am Central, 11:00 am-112:45 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010 Code: 900655# Mute: *6
With invited Servant Leaders including: Honorable Myron & Dottie Lizer, Vice President & Second Lady, Navajo Nation, www.navajo-nsn.gov, click here for VP Lizer's speech during RNC, 8.25.2020; Adam Begaye, Assistant to Vice President Lizer; Linda Jaramillo, New Mexico State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www. nationaldayofprayer.org; Rabbi Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory, Awakening the One New Man; www.awakening1.org; Found er, Sign the O.A.T.H. Project, www.signtheoath.org; Rabbi Mark Tross, Coordinator, New Mexico Prayer Connect, nmprayerconnect.org; John Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council, www.ipcprayer.org; Convener, National Prayer Assembly, nationalprayerassemb ly.org; Dennis Poper, Co-Chair, New Mexico Men of Honor, www.nmmenofhonor.com; C heryl Schuelke, Founder, Awaken Prayer, awakenprayer.co, Arizona Co-Leader, Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN), www.azhapn.co; Saeed Hosseini, Founder/Director, Prayer Pavillion - Global 365 Prayer Network; www.prayerpavilion.org; Sister Georjean Allenbach, Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary; www.kanaan.org, Tim & Sandy Ravan, Founders/Directors, Global Connectors, www. globalconnectors.org.
TUSA 9/1 schedule in Mountain Time
Please be sure to adjust to your time zone.
- 8:55-9:05 am Welcome & Opening Prayers
- 9:05-9:30 am Focus on Spiritual Awakening in New Mexico with Speaker Rabbi Mark Tross, New Mexico Intercessors & Intercessors Across America
- 9:30-9:55 am Focus on Spiritual Awakening in Arizona with Speaker Cheryl Schuelke, Arizona Intercessors & Intercessors Across America
- 9:55-10:25 am Focus on Spiritual Awakening in Navajo Nation with Speaker Navajo Nation VP Myron Lizer, Navajo Intercessors & Intercessors Across America
- 10:25-10:45 am Important Announcements, Inspirational Comments, Closing Prayers
Invitation to Live Video National Prayer Assembly,
Oct 13-15, Seeking God’s Face for the Destiny of America
Oct 13-15, Seeking God’s Face for the Destiny of America
& register your commitment to pray for spiritual awakening.
Gathering the Body of Christ to Intercede for Such a Critical Time as This!
Our nation is facing the greatest challenge since World War II. TOGETHER we must engage in wartime prayer against the real invisible enemy. Therefore, Transform USA National Conference Call has transitioned from monthly to twice weekly pray calls: TOGETHER Responding to the COVID-19 National Crisis in PRAYER, Tuesday & Thursday Mornings, 8-9:30 am Pacific / 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, using 712-770-4010 & code 900655#. Our 90 minutes together will include insights and words of inspiration from servant leaders towards prevailing intercession. Please consider inviting fellow brothers and sisters Christ. Visit: www.TransformUSA.info ~ Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Nat'l Conf Call, prayersurgenow@gmail.com , 530-570-0085