Saturday, August 24, 2024

TUSA 9/4 for the Coming Great Awakening in Partnership with NE Leaders & Intercessors

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA Monthly National Prayer Call
Transforming America TOGETHER in CHRIST
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
United Intercession for the
Coming Great Awakening
in Partnership with New England Leaders
& Intercessors including members of 
The New England Alliance is a network composed of networks (network of networks) for Kingdom Advancement in the New England Region. Our four major focuses are: (1) John 17 unity in the Body of Christ; (2) United Prayer and Worship; (3) Spiritual Renewal, Revival, Awakening, and Societal Transformation; (4) Mission and Evangelism
11:00 am-12:30 pm Eastern, 10:00-11:30 am Central
9:00-10:30 am Mountain, 8:00-9:30 am Pacific
Call: 267-807-9611  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

Final Agenda in Pacific Time / Eastern Time 

7:55-8:05 am / 10:55-11:05 am
Welcome & Greet One Another; Opening Prayers of Blessing offered by Robert Wolff & Amy Stoehr, Serving on TUSA Host Team  (1-2 min each)

8:05-8:25 am / 11:05-11:25 am  
The Role of Prayer & Worship in Revival by Josiah Armstrong, Windham, New Hampshire, Co-Convener, (10 min); Prayers offered by Fred Conklin, Connecticut, Jerrie Dubie, Massachusetts/Vermont, Elaine MarineMassachusetts & Allan Newell, California (1-2 min each)

8:25-8:45 am / 11:25-11:45 am  
Digging the Wells of First & Second Great Awakening by Christopher & Janet Leighton, Bridgeport, Connecticut, Co-Conveners, (5-10 min); Prayers offered by Nancy HinkesConnecticut, Michele Charles, Massachusetts & Esther Tsai, Florida (1-2 min each)

8:45-9:05 am / 11:45 am-12:05 pm 
Seeking the Coming Great Awakening with ONE Heart in CHRIST by Gregg HealeyWilton, Connecticut, Co-Convener, (10 min); Prayers offered by Jennie Fournier, Massachusetts, Mary BruceConnecticut/Mississippi & Bill Ballard, Michigan (1-2 min each)

9:05-9:25 am / 12:05-12:25 pm 
Lessons in Victory & Occupation by Dai Sup Han, Serving on TUSA Host Team (10 min); Prayers offered by Ray & Cathy Williams, Vermont & Rhoda Anderson, Wyoming (1-2 min each)

9:25-9:35 am 12:25-12:35 pm 
Closing Comments & Prayer by Lisa Crump, Serving on TUSA Host Team & Gregg Healey (5 min)Announcements

TUSA Host Team: 

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