Thursday, August 30, 2018

Invitation to Transform USA 9/6 National Conference Call

Revised, September 5, 2018

Inviting Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America
Transform USA 9/6 Nat'l Conference Call
for Transforming America TOGETHER and
America AWAKE!: Interceding for Key
National Gatherings Over the Next 30 Days
Thursday Morning/Afternoon, September 6
8:00-10:00 am Pacific, 9:00-11:00 am Mountain,
10:00 am-12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
This invitation is also posted on

Agenda in Pacific Time (subject to change),
please adjust to your time zone.

  • 8:20 am   Address by speaker to be announced  (5 min) - Invitation to The National Prayer Assembly (NPA): Seeking God's Face for the Deliverance and Destiny of America, Washington D.C, October 2-4, click here for details or read NPA invitation below this invitation; Intercession offered by Connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors
  • 8:30 am  Address by Bishop Bob Coulter (5 min) - Invitation to National Solemn Assembly, Lancaster, South Carolina, September 18, click here for details;  Intercession offered by Connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors 
  • 8:45 am  Address by Mark Beliles and/or Travis Witt (5 min) - Update on Transform North America Summit, Dallas, Texas, September 6-8,;  Intercession offered by Connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors 
  • 9:00 am  Address by Peter Carlson (5 min) - Compassion to Action PORTLAND 2018, September 19,;  Intercession offered by Connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors
  • 9:10 am  Address by Micah Maisel, Faith Kinzer, 1 or 2 others (5 min each), Awaken the Dawn Tent America 2018, 50 State Capitals, Campuses Across America, September 27-29,;  Intercession offered by Connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors
  • 9:55 am  TC Kim's Health UpdateIntercession for TC and Soonae Kim; Closing Prayer/Sounding the Shofar by Maryal Boumann

THE NATIONAL PRAYER ASSEMBLY 2018 - Seeking God’s Face for the Deliverance and Destiny of America



Tuesday, October 2        
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Wednesday, October 3
9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 4
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Ronald Reagan Building, International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington,, DC 20004

$140 per person. Each person must register individually. 

Included in registration fee:


*On Oct 3, if you are able, we are encouraging both prayer and fasting as part of the Assembly.

All other meals are the responsibility of the registrant. There is a food court in the Ronald Reagan Center.


The registrant is  responsible for hotel reservation. 
We suggest making arrangements through Trivago or to get better rates.

National Prayer Assembly

Contact Tracey de Blank if you have any questions:


Some of the other participating organizations: 

Every Home for Christ,
Somebody Cares, Children's Prayer Embassy, Generals of Intercession and Reformation Prayer Network, Strategic Prayer Network, The Hope Connection, The Call, The Response, Capitol Ministries, Inter-Tribal Prayer Network, Southern Baptist Convention.

Dear Praying Friend,

You are warmly invited to join ministry leaders and intercessors from across America for a history-changing time of prayer for the USA. United prayer with heartfelt confession of our national sins has changed the course of our America's history in the past during uncertain, challenging and dangerous times. More recently, during the last National Prayer Assembly, October 27-28, 2016, U.S. prayer leaders along with other ministry leaders and intercessors sought the face of the Lord just before our national election, asking for His intervention and help. It was surely a definitive time in God's presence that He used, along with the prayers of many thousands of other concerned believers, to bring about some major transformations we have witnessed since! As God promises, "If my people..." (2 Chron. 7:14) What a privilege to transact business with the Lord of the universe on behalf of our nation!

The 2018 National Prayer Assembly will be held October 2 (Prayer Tour) and 3-4 (Assembly) in Washington, D.C..As the Spirit guides and empowers, we believe it will again be a history-shaping time. Guided by a variety of experts on the current issues facing the nation, we will then together seek the sovereign Lord of history Himself, trusting Him for the breakthroughs our nation still needs to experience. It will be just a month before the critical mid-term elections so, if you have a heart to pray, your presence and participation will be crucial. 
Note also that as part of the prayer tour on October 2, we are making arrangements to hear from and pray with key government officials, possibly in both the White House and Congress, so please be sure to book your arrival in D.C. in time to take part. We will be starting at 9 am that morning with the prayer tour. 

Please register now. The NPA will fill up quickly over the coming weeks.

Feel free to forward this invitation to others who have a heart to pray for America and do pray with us for all the preparations to come together and for those whom God is calling to be able to participate.

We look forward to your being with us for this crucial time of encountering the Lord together on behalf of our beloved country.

Dave Kubal (Intercessors for America) 
John Robb (International Prayer Council)
Lisa Crump (National Day of Prayer)

On behalf of our planning team:

Dave Butts (National Prayer Committee)
Rickie Bradshaw (Pray Houston)
Pierre Bynum (Family Research Council)
Paul Cedar (Mission America Coalition)
Ronnie Floyd (National Day of Prayer)
Kay Horner (Awakening America Alliance)
Daniel Lim (International House of Prayer)
Cecelia Gleason & Tracey de Blank (Intercessors for America)
Dai Sup Han (Prayer Surge Now)
Sara Ballenger (Capitol Hill Prayer Partners)
Lea Carawan & Summer Ingram (Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation)
Jason Hershey (David's Tent & American Center for Prayer and Revival)
Alice Holland (Aglow International)
Allan Parker (Justice Foundation)
Frank Amedia, Lorilee Amedia & Patricia Scahill (POTUS Prayer Shield)
George McBane (Prayer Consultant)
Regina Minor (U.S. National Prayer Council)
Nancy Schulze (The American Prayer Initiative)
Jody Wood (New York Intercessors)
Maureen Bravo (24/7 Strategic Prayer Call) 
Dallas Eggemayer (Lightbearers International)

2018 NPA Prayer Emphases:


Reconciliation and healing of relationships 


Reaching and evangelizing the lost

Government and the mid-term elections

 U.S. Prayer movement

Next generation

False religion

National security issues