Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Transform USA 12/5 Nat'l Conf Call: Thanksgiving for 2019 & Transformation in 2020

2020 YEAR OF THE BIBLE, visit www.yearofthebible.com
Join us on December 11 at 2PM CST for our next Year of the Bible Partners Call! You'll hear exciting updates on YOTB, learn how you can join in, and share ideas for how you might engage in your own YOTB in your ministry or church. You can join the Zoom call here, and RSVP below so we know you're coming! RSVP at this link: https://embed.calendarsnack.com/landingpage/registration/046gk5s5hd5cc52mqfaua81e07gb3rllp0var4o1

Please consider reading "The Book That Transforms Nations"

Songs of Christmas Joy in the California State Capitol Rotunda, THIS Sat 12/7, 2 pm & in Fairbanks, AK, 12/20.  Details posted on www.praycalifornia.org.

Inviting Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 8-10 AM PACIFIC: Please consider the following December Transform USA 12/5 National Conference Call focused on THANKSGIVING/PRAISE FOR 2019 & SURGING INTO 2020, and invite fellow servant leaders and intercessors to participate with us.  Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#

Transform USA 12/5 National Conference Call for 
Transforming America TOGETHER in 2019/2020
Focused on Praising Our Father for 2019 
Interceding for Transformation in 2020
Thursday Morning, December 5, 2019
8:00-10:00 am Pacific, 9:00-11:00 am Mountain,
10:00 am-12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

Convener of the Monthly Transform USA National Conference Calls: Taechin "TC" Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA, www.transformusa.org

Chairperson for Transform USA 12/5 National Conference Call: Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, www.PrayerSurgeNOW.net, National Prayer Coordinator, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org

The following servant leaders contributing towards Transform USA 12/5 National Conference Call (in alphabetical order, as of Nov 4): Mark Beliles, Maryal Boumann, Maureen Bravo, David Carroll, Cindy Collins, Patrick Caruana, Jeff Daly, Victor Dawson, Dion Elmore, Jonathan Friz, Dai Sup Han, Gregg Healey, Summer Ingram, Taechin "TC" Kim, Colleen Jost, Deena Kvasnik, Lisa Powell, Barbara Romeo, Mary Tome, Daisy Whisenant.

Agenda in Pacific Time, please adjust to your time zone
(subject to change)

8:00-8:10 am Pacific  Greet One Another/Welcome by TC KimOpening Prayer of Blessing/Shofar by Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA, Convener of 12/7 "Songs of Christmas Joy" in the California State Capitol Rotunda,  www.praycalifornia.org

8:10-8:30  Interceding for TC & Soonae Kim - Let us continue to intercede for our brother & sister in their time of need (1-2 min each).

8:30-8:50  PART ONE: Praising Our Father for 2019 & Interceding for Transformation in 2020 (5 min each)
  • Transform North America by Mark Beliles, North America Facilitator, Transform World, www.transform-world.net, President, www.americatransformationcompany.com 
  • 10 days of Prayer by Jonathan Friz, Founder/Global Convener, 10 Day of Prayer Movement, www.10days.net  
  • Promise Keepers Mighty Men's Movement by Dai Sup Han; Prayer Surge NOW! 12/7 Nat'l Conf Call, focused on Promise Keepers, 9-11 am Eastern, www.PrayerSurgeNOW.net
  • Transformation in the Marketplace by Victor Dawson, Ambassador for Christ National Ministry Partnerships & New City Development, Christian Business Men’s Connection, www.cbmc.com, Author of the Book, As You Go, www.asyougo.com

8:50-9:10  PART TWO: Praising Our Father for 2019 & Interceding for Transformation in 2020 (5 min each)
  • Sanctity of LIFE & US Supreme Court by Cindy CollinsServing with TJF as Global Coordinator, Operation Outcry, www.operationoutcry.org, Founder/Director, SpeakHope, www.speakhope.net 
  • The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call by Maureen Bravo, International Director, Liberty Prayer Network & Coordinator, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Calls - Since November 2016, NSPC Facebook Group     
  • National Day of Prayer 2019 & 2020 by Dion Elmore, Vice-President of Marketing and Public Relations, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org (to be confirmed); Please consider "PRAY FOR AMERICA" First Thursday of Every Month, 8-10 pm Eastern, click here for details
  • The Table Coalition & 2020 Year of the Bible by Deena Kvasnik, Director of Ministry, The Table Coalition, www.thetablecoalition.org, Associate Director, Year of the Bible, www.yearofthebible.com 

9:10-9:30  PART THREE: Praising Our Father for 2019 & Interceding for Transformation in 2020 (5 min each)
  • Transformation in the Church by Pastor Jeffrey Daly, Director, National Day of Repentance, www.dayofrepentance1.org    
  • Children in Prayer by Mary TomeVice President, EstherNet International & Director, World Shapers Club, www.esthernet.net/category/eni/world-shapers-club    
  • Transformation in Education by Daisy Whisenant, Serving with Christian Educators Association International, www.ceai.org     
  • Transformation in the Government by Summer IngramNational Director of Prayer and Mobilization, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, www.cpcfoundation.com     

9:30-9:50  PART FOUR: Praising Our Father for 2019 & Interceding for Transformation in 2020 
  • Interceding for Our Military & Commander-in-chief by Lieutenant General Patrick P. Caruana, United States Air Force, 1957-1997, click here for Gen Pat Caruana's military bio (to be confirmed, 5 min)
  • Transform USA Colorado Springs Prayer Team by Colleen Jost, Serving with Transform USA Prayer Team, Colorado Springs (5 min)
  • Others are welcome to share/pray (2 min each)

9:50-10:00  Closing Comments by TC KimClosing Prayer/Shofar by Maryal Boumann 

The New Year Transform USA
1/2 National Conference Call
Thursday, January 2, 2020
 8-10 am Pacific, 9-11 am Mountain,
10 am-12 pm Central, 11 am-1 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#

A Special Invitation from Maryal Boumann
to Sacramento, CA & Fairbanks, AK Events
Songs of Christmas Joy!.jpg

SACRAMENTO STATE CAPITOL ROTUNDA this Saturday! PLEASE PLAN to join us for the BIRTHING of this brand new Event on Saturday December 7th, 2019 at 2:00pm in the State Capitol Rotunda at 1315 10th Street, Sacramento as we lift up King Jesus with song, dance, and celebrate His birth. There will be popular Christmas carols sung in Spanish, Russian, Romanian, Latin, Italian, Dutch, French, Hebrew, and mostly in English for everyone to sing! There is a different Holiday Musical Group scheduled before and after us....Please arrive early to get a seat. Our hour is from 2:00pm - 3:00pm. Questions?  Please contact Director Maryal Boumann at maryal@innercite.comAlso, the Capitol Christmas Tree on the West Side is up and decorated, a great photo opportunity! 


ALASKA! Join Andie Rice, Servant-Leader of Alaska National Day of Prayer along with others to celebrate "Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us"...everyone welcome! Friday December 20th, 2019 from 6:30pm-7:30pm, FNSB Administration Center, The Borough Building, Council Chamber Hall, 907 Terminal Street (off Illinois), Fairbanks (10 minutes north of North Pole) For further details please contact Ms. Andie Rice, ricechex4him@yahoo.com.