Monday, April 22, 2019

Transform USA Wed 5/1 Nat;l Conf Call for Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America

Inviting Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America
Transform USA 5/1 National Conference Call
For Transforming America TOGETHER in 2019 
May 2019 Focus: Let justice run down like water,
 and righteousness like a mighty stream.
Amos 5:24
Wednesday Morning/Afternoon, May 1, 2019
8-10 am Pacific, 9-11 am Mountain,
10 am-12 pm Central, 11 am-1 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

Chairman for Transform USA 5/1: Maryal Boumann,
Prayer Council of USA, Women’s Ministry Director

Agenda in Pacific Time, please adjust to your time zone
(updated April 30, subject to change).

8:00 am  Welcome  and Opening Praise/Sounding the Shofar by Maryal with Phillip Lemkin Pastor Temple Emanuel

8:08 am  May 2nd National Day of Prayer: Comments and prayer by Lisa Crump Vice-President of Prayer Mobilization for NDP Task Force (5 minutes)
Allan Parker President of The Justice Foundation (4 minutes), Sara Ballenger Director of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (4 minutes), Gwen Bradly NDP Task Force Southeast Area Leader (4 minutes)
Closing comments and prayer offered by Summer Ingram Director of Prayer and Mobilization for the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation (4 minutes)

8:29 am  Pray for the Church: Rise, Shine Together for GOD’S Righteous to Shine - Church Revival through Prayer: Comment and prayer by Jason Hubbard GO2020 Executive Coordinator of International Prayer Connect  (5 minutes)
United Prayer to spread into every city: Comments and prayer offered (3 minutes each) by Brian Alarid UNITED CHURCH PRAYER, Lewis Hogan, Rickie Bradshaw Urban Missional Church Planting, Ann Quest Texas Prayer Leader <<<<These last 4 Warriors unconfirmed as of 4/29.
Church to break Silence: Comments and Prayer offered (3 minutes each) by Barbara Romeo Midnight Cry, Maureen Bravo Director of Liberty Prayer Network International, Lorena Wood No Place Left
Prayers for the Persecuted Church: Comments and prayer offered by Messianic Jewish Brother Robert Wolff  Author, Founder of Majestic Glory Ministries (4 minutes), prayer by Virginia “Ginny” Chapman Church Awakening (3 minutes)

9:02 am Next (Now!) Generation: God’s righteousness will run into next generation like a mighty Stream
Infant Life- born or unborn: Comments and prayer (4 minutes) offered by Cindy Collins "SpeakHope”, Louisiana Abortion Recovery Net
Prayers (3 minutes each) by Donna Matts Abundant Life Virginia, Governor's Prayer Team, Olga Hermann Worldwide Prayer Pro-Life Director
School Education on homosexuality, gender mainstream: Comment and prayer (4 minutes) by Valerie Jackson Prayer Council of the United States National Director,  prayer by Diane Flaherty Mom’s in Touch International (3 minutes)
College Students: Comment and prayer (4 minutes) by Judy Ball Ignite Ivy and Breaker of Dawn, prayer (3 min) by Beverly Siering CA Governor’s Prayer Team
Closing comment and prayer offered by Candy Marballi The Kids’ Prayer Covenant Ministry (4 minutes)

9:26 am  Government: Let the Justice run down like water: Comments and prayer offered by (4 minutes) Travis Witt, Pastor and National Coordinator TW2020 North America Region
For President: Comment and prayer (4 minutes) offered by Lorraine Coconato Pastor Leaves of Healing Tabernacle
2 minute prayers offered by:
For Supreme Court: Sherri Sumstine Worldwide Prayer Int’l Board of Directors, Shari Bonnard Worldwide Prayer Int’l- Multi Cultural Director (calling in from Korea)
Congress: Phillip Lemkin Pastor
Immigration: Dallas Eggmeyer Light Bearers International
Closing comment and prayer offered by Mary Tome Esther Network International (4 minutes)
Open prayer by those who aren’t listed on Agenda: 2 people - 2 minutes

10:00 am   Prayers for Healing (2 minutes each)  
For Gwen Bradley’s eye: Prayer offered by Lisa Powell Door of Hope Christian Fellowship
For Rick & Lorena Wood: Eye and lung healing prayer offered by Jerry Bowers Pastor and Worldwide Prayer, Israel Director
For TC:  Prayer by Julie Vida, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners  
For the Body of Christ and loved ones healing and salvation        
10:10am Announcements, Blessing song by Trisha Phillips Pray California Military Family Support and Aaronic Blessing by Phillip Lemkin.  Closing Prayer/Corporate Sounding the Shofar by Maryal Boumann 

BELOVED BRETHREN, thank you so much for setting time aside in your busy schedule to link hearts with the LORD'S and with one another as we choose to spend time together in UNITY, to love one another and pray for HIS Will to be accomplished through us, our ministries and throughout America!

THANK YOU for keeping TC, his wife Soonae (in Seoul) and their children in your prayers. We continue to believe and call forth GOD'S Miraculous Healing Touch for His/our Precious TC! With much love and abundant blessings, Maryal and Dai Sup, co-laborers with TC and with you! 

Next Transform USA 6/6
National Conference Call
Thursday, June 6th, 2019
 8-10 am Pacific, 9-11 am Mountain,
10 am-12 pm Central, 11 am-1 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#

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