Monday, April 1, 2019

Transform USA 4/4 National Conference Call for Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America

Inviting Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America
Transform USA 4/4 National Conference Call
For Transforming America TOGETHER in 2019
for OUR NATION ~ Isaiah 60:1
Thursday Morning/Afternoon, April 4, 2019
8-10 am Pacific, 9-11 am Mountain,
10 am-12 pm Central, 11 am-1 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

Chairman for Transform USA 4/4: Maryal Boumann,

Agenda in Pacific Time (subject to change),
please adjust to your time zone.
  • 8:00 am  Welcome by TC Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA, www.transformusa.orgOpening Prayer/Sounding the Shofar by Maryal Boumann together with Phillip Lemkin, Pastor, Temple Emanuel Australia
  • 8:08 am  World Prayer Movement: "GO 2020" Prayer Growing Everywhere with Tom Victor, President, The Great Commission Coalition, and Sue Rowe, Facilitator for TW2020 Celebration Challenge (10 minutes total);  Prayers offered by Hailey, Tom's Granddaughter, Bishop Bob Coulter, the Missionary Church International,  Merv Withrup, Spokane/Honolulu World Prayer, Sherri Sumstine, Worldwide Prayer Int’l  (2 minutes each); Closing comment and prayer offered by Candy Marballi, The Kids’ Prayer Covenant Ministry (4 minutes)
  • 8:30 am  National Day of Prayer, May 2 Update with Lisa Crump, Vice President of Prayer Mobilization NDP Task Force (6 minutes); Prayers offered by Bev Dennen, serving with Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, ASK Network, Gwen Bradly, NDP Task force Southeast Area Leader (2 minutes each); Closing comment and prayer offered by  Peter Carlson, Co-Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Oregon State, Serving with Pray Oregon Leadership Team (4 minutes)
  • 8:45 am  National Day of Repentance, April 30 Update by Jeff Daly, Co-Founder/Director, National Day of Repentance (4 minutes)Prayers offered by Donna Matts, Abundant Life Virginia, Governor's Prayer Team,  Maureen Bravo, Director, Liberty Prayer Network International, Brenda Wright, Awaken Black America,  Linda PeckFamily Restoration (2 minutes each);  Closing comment and prayer offered by Cindy Collins, SpeakHope, Operation Outcry (3 minutes)
  • 9:00 am  Promise Keepers - A New Era by Judge Vance Day, Chief Operating Officer, Promise Keepers, and Pastor Art and Miriam Remington, National Ambassadors At Large (10 minutes total); Prayers offered by Travis Witt, National Coordinator TW2020 North America RegionDai Sup Han, Prayer Surge NOW!, Partnering with Promise Keepers, Jim Quayle, EvangeCoach Ministries; (2 minutes each); Closing comment and prayer offered by Gregg Healey, State-Wide Facilitator, Impact Connecticut  (4 minutes)
  • 9:20 am  Capitol Hill Prayer Partners Report by Sara Ballenger, Founder/President, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (5 minutes); Prayers offered by Silvia Keller, Aglow Fellowship, Coordinator of The Night Fighters,  Robert Wolff, Every Tribe, Every Nation Documentary, Barbara Romeo, Midnight cry (2 minutes each)Closing comment and prayer offered by Bev Dennen, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (4 minutes)
  • 9:35 am  Contending for Pre-born Babies by Allan Parker (8 minutes); Prayers offered by Shari Bonnard, Worldwide Prayer International, Jerry Bowers, Worldwide Prayer Israel, Nga Dang, ASK Network Western States,  Trisha Phillips, Pray California Military support (2 minutes each); Closing comment and prayer offered by  Mary Tome, Esther Network International (4 minutes)
  • 9:55 am  All Participants Open Prayer (5 minutes); Closing comments and prayer by Lisa Powell, Door of Hope Christian fellowship (5 minutes)
  • 10:05 am  Announcements; A Song of Blessing by Trisha Phillips and Aaronic Blessing by Lemkin Phillip; Closing Prayer/Sounding the Shofar by Maryal Boumann 

Next Transform USA 5/1 National Conference Call
On the Eve of National Day of Prayer
Wednesday, May 1, 8-10 am PT, 11 am-1 pm ET
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655# 

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