Click HERE to register for April 18-19 Praying On The Mountain for Spiritual Awakening, Pastor Fred Lunsford's Prayer Garden, Marble, NC or visit wncprayingonthemountain.org. Also...Click HERE for April 19 Men AWAKE! Gathering, Murphy, NC & share the flyer with men across America.
An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA Monthly National Prayer Call
Transforming America TOGETHER in CHRIST
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
United Intercession for
Nat'l Prayer Opportunities,
Other Key 2024 Events
and America AWAKE!
11:00 am-12:45 pm Eastern, 10:00-11:45 Central
9:00-10:45 am Mountain, 8:00-9:35 am Pacific
Call: 267-807-9611 Code: 900655# Mute: *6
Together in CHRIST Interceding for: I Stand With Israel, March 9, Newport News, VA, WilburMinistries.com/IStandWithIsrael; 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, March 10-April 8, with the Global Body of Christ, click HERE for your free copy of the printed prayer guide; Church Awakening Conference, March 14-15, Edmonds, WA, ChurchAwakening.com/Events; Save Our Children Conference, April 13, Plant City, FL, TruthFaithAndAction.org; Praying on the Mountain for God to Revive His People, April 18-19, Marble, NC, WNCPrayingOnTheMountain.org; Men AWAKE!, April 19, Murphy, NC, click HERE for Men AWAKE! flyer; National Day of Prayer, May 2, Cities Across America, NationalDayOfPrayer.org; Exalt Texas: Prepare the Heart of Texas with United Cry, May 3, Rockwall, TX, TheComingMessenger.org; 21 Cities Hosting 21 Korean Prayer Teams, May 1-5, 8-12 & 15-19, ProjectPray.org/Host-Cities2024; 10 Days of Prayer, October 2-12, Cities Across America & Beyond, 10Days.net; One Million Women: An Esther Call to the Mall, October 12, Washington DC, AMillionWomen.org
Agenda in Pacific Time / Eastern Time
Please adjust to your time zone (subject to change)
7:55-8:05 am / 10:55-11:05 am
Welcome & Greet One Another; Opening Prayer of Blessing offered by Lisa Crump, TUSA Host Team, Liberty Prayer Caucus, El Paso County, Colorado
8:05-8:20 / 11:05-11:20 am
8:20-8:30 am / 11:20-11:30 am
I Stand With Israel, March 9, Newport News, VA, WilburMinistries.com/IStandwithIsrael, by Paul Wilbur (5 min); Prayers offered by Bev Dennen, ASKNetwork.net, Amy Stoehr, TUSA Host Team, River Gardens, Vista, California & others
8:30-8:40 am / 11:30-11:40 am
8:40-8:50 am / 11:40-11:50 am
Save Our Children Conference, April 13, Plant City, FL, TruthFaithAndAction.org, by Daniel Bernard, SCTB.org (5 min); Prayers offered by Lisa Crump, TUSA Host Team, Liberty Prayer Caucus, El Paso County, Colorado, Beverly Abajian, PrayerSurgeNOW.net & others
8:50-9:00 am / 11:50 am-12:00 pm
Praying on the Mountain for God to Revive His People, April 18-19, Marble, NC, WNCPrayingOnTheMountain.org, by Jay Johnston, JayJohnston.org (5 min); Prayers offered by John Cook, WNCPrayingOnTheMountain.org, Robert Wolff, TUSA Host Team, Awakening1.com, SignTheOATH.org, & others
9:00-9:10 am / 12:00-12:10 pm
Men AWAKE!, April 19, Murphy, NC, click HERE for Men AWAKE! flyer, by Dai Sup Han (5 min); Prayers offered by Bill Landers, Men4Nations.org, Rick Lee, Strategic Intercessor, Tennessee & Bill Ballard, Strategic Intercessor, Michigan
9:10-9:20 am / 12:10-12:20 pm
9:20-9:30 am / 12:20-12:30 pm
10 Days of Prayer, October 2-12, Cities Across America & Beyond, 10Days.net, by Phil Eberhart (5 min); Prayers offered by Jeff Willard, UnitedCry.com, Jon Bunn, UnitedCry.com & others
9:30-9:40 am / 12:30-12:40 pm
9:40 am / 12:40 pm
Closing Comment & Prayer offered by Robert Wolff, TUSA Host Team, Awakening1.com, SignTheOATH.org; Announcements & Additional Prayers, including 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, March 10-April 8, with the Global Body of Christ, click HERE for your free copy of the printed prayer guide, National Day of Prayer, May 2, Cities Across America, NationalDayofPrayer.org, & TUSA 4/3 focused on 2024 Elections
TUSA Host Team:
- Amy Stoehr, Co-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego area, California, www.theriverfamilychurchnc.org, Leadership Team, PRAY CALIFORNIA, praycalifornia.org
- Lisa Crump, Christian Emergency Network Prayer, www.cenus.org, Liberty Prayer Caucus, El Paso County, Colorado
- Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory, www.awakening1.org, Executive Editor, UNITY Awakening the One New Man, and Founder, Sign the O.A.T.H. Project, www.signtheoath.org, Co-Author of the Book, Kingdom Calling: A Field Manual for Believers
- Dai Sup Han, Lead Convener, Transform USA Monthly National Prayer Call, transformusa.info, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, Co-Convener, AWAKE! Gatherings

Dear Intercessor,
The ministry of Bibles For The World would like to offer you a free copy of the 2024 edition of the “30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World” booklet.
This year’s edition features a different Muslim country or people group for each of the 30 days of Ramadan, which falls this year from March 10 to April 8. During this “holy month” of the Islamic religion, we would especially like you, your family, your small group, or your church, to join with us as we rally prayer across the country for those who are lost in the darkness of their false beliefs.
We know that that prayer changes things. In fact, author and theologian E.M. Bounds famously stated that, “The prayers of God’s saints are the capital stock in heaven by which Christ carries on His great work upon the earth.” Knowing how to pray, and what to pray, fosters effective prayer – especially when we are praying for the hearts and minds of entire people groups to be changed. |
(Sample pages from this year's prayer guide) For your free printed copy of the Muslim World Prayer Guide, please click here. |
Once you go through it, you might like to share it with your friends, church group, missions pastor, etc. The more people who pray for the Muslim world, the more effective will be our prayers that God might change the hearts, and transform the lives of millions of Muslims, through the power of His Word.
Thank you, and God bless you.
Your partner in His ministry,
John L. Pudaite President & CEO BiblesForTheWorld.org 719-630-7733 |
Bibles For The World | 4775 Granby Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 |
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