Please consider the following links:
with Senator James Lankford, Judge Vance Day,
Chris Mitchell, Bob Cornuke, College Students
An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA Monthly Nat'l Conf Call
THIS Thursday, March 4
for Spiritual Awakening
in New England Region
11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern, 10:00 am-12:00 pm Central
9:00-11:00 am Mountain, 8:00-10:00 am Pacific
Call: 712-770-4010 Code: 900655# Mute: *6
TUSA 3/4 Schedule/Agenda in Eastern Time.
Subject to change. Please adjust to your time zone.
10:55-11:10 am Welcome, greet one another, TUSA 3/4 vision. Opening prayers offered by Steve & Lane Loopstra, Southeast Region/Florida Director, Sentinel Group (1-2 min each).
11:10-11:25 am Monthly Address by Mark Beliles, Facilitator, Transform World North America,, Director, Global Transformation Network, Statesmen, (6-8 min). Prayers offered by:
- Donna LaBelle, Transform USA Colorado Springs Prayer Team (1-2 min)
- Lisa Powell, Founder, Door of Hope Christian Fellowship, Corona, California (1-2 min)
- Others
11:25-11:45 am Keynote Address by Roberto Miranda, Senior Pastor, Lion of Judah Church, Boston,, Statesman and Convener, New England Alliance, (10-12 min). Prayers offered by:
- Tim & Sandy Ravan, Founders, Global Connectors, Eugene, Oregon (1-2 min)
- Bev Dennen, Serving with ASK Network, Montana (1-2 min)
- Others
11:45 am-12:00 pm Address by Jonathan Friz, National Director, 10 Days of Prayer,, Convener, New England Alliance, Co-Convener, 2021 Global Family 24/7 Prayer Room, (6-8 min). Prayers offered by:
- Cheri Risch, Serving with National Day of Prayer Task Force, Fresno, California (1-2 min)
- David Bachoroski, Transform USA Colorado Springs Prayer Team (1-2 min)
- Others
12:00-12:15 pm Address by Annette Tuttle, New Hampshire Alliance Leader, Founder, Capital City House of Prayer, Concord, NH; New Hampshire State Coordinator, Awaken the Dawn, (6-8 min). Prayers offered by:
- Amy Stoehr, Co-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego Area, California (1-2 min)
- Bill Ballard, Serving with Promise Keepers, Michigan (1-2 min)
- Others
12:15-12:30 pm Address by Robin McLaughlin, Maine Unity and Prayer, National Area Leader, Northeast, National Day of Prayer Task Force,, Maine General, Generals International/Reformation Prayer Network, (6-8 min). Prayers offered by:
- Jeffrey Daly, Founder, National Day of Repentance, California (1-2 min)
- Virginia Chapman, Serving with Church Awakening, Washington State (1-2 min)
- Others
12:30-12:45 pm Address by Gregg Healey, Facilitator, New Breed of Business (, Convener, New England Alliance, Board, Connecticut Prays and 10 Days of Prayer (6-8 min). Prayers offered by:
- Julie Vida, Serving with Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, North Carolina (1-2 min)
- Daisy Whisenant, Serving with Christian Educators Association International, San Antonio, Texas (1-2 min)
- Others
12:45-1:00 pm Open prayers for Ryan Healey & New England AWAKE! Closing prayer offered by Gregg Healey.
1:00 pm Announcements.
Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer Call & Monthly 1st Thursday National Conference Call,, Natio nal Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,, contact: prayersurgenow@gmail. com. For Promise Keepers 2021, visit, contact:
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