Updated, Wednesday, August 5, 2021
Click HERE for "A Time for Courageous Educators" on YouTube
Click HERE for CBN News Eugene Campus, OR Praise Report,
here for YouTube or search "CBN News We Are Standing for the Cross."
Click HERE for CBN News Eugene Campus, OR Praise Report,
here for YouTube or search "CBN News We Are Standing for the Cross."
Inviting the Body of Christ to the Transform USA (TUSA) Nat'l Prayer Call, this Thur 8/6, Focused on Interceding for Spiritual Awakening in the 2020-2021 School Year, 8-10 am PT, 11 am-1 pm ET, 712-770-4010, code 900655#, read details below.
An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA Nat'l Prayer Calls
Transforming America TOGETHER
Tomorrow, Thursday Morning, Aug 6
8:00-10:00 am Pacific, 9:00-11:00 am Mountain,
10:00 am-12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern
Interceding for the 2020-2021
School Year and Transformation
of the Sphere of Education
School Year and Transformation
of the Sphere of Education
Invited Guest Speakers: David Schmus, Executive Director, Christian Educators Association International, www.ceai.org; Andie Rice, Alaska Co-State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org, an Educator for 30+ Years; Joel Enge, Founder/Director, Kingdom Life Academy, Tyler, www.klatyler.com; Marilyn Jackson, Founder and Director, Pray for Safe Schools (P4SS), www.pray4safeschools.com ; Karah Han, Active Member, Navigators, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, www.navigators.org/ministry/college; Wayne Cordeiro, President, New Hope Christian College, www2.newhope.edu
1st Hour, 8-10 am Pacific/11 am-12 pm Eastern
Interceding for Students, Families & Educators of K-12 Public, Private, Home Schools Across America
2nd Hour, 9-10 am Pacific/12-1 pm Eastern
Contending for Discipleship, Outreach & Spiritual Awakening on College Campuses Across America
PRAY for AMERICA hosted by National Day of Prayer Task Force, TONIGHT, ThursdaY, August 6, 8-10 pm Eastern, with guest speakers including Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, thereturn.org, 712-432-0075, code 4961322#.
LAST WEEKEND, July 31 & August 1, men all across the globe gathered via livestream (registration remains open) with their men’s groups to experience the Promise Keepers 2020 Global Virtual Event, July 31-August 1. The recording is available for the next several weeks. Please encourage ALL men to experience the Men's Conference, PromiseKeepersEvent.com & click HERE for 1 min PK promo. Prayer Surge NOW! Nat'l Conf Call for Promise Keepers, Saturday morning, August 8, 9-10 am Eastern, 605-475-4797, code 336718#, visit PrayerSurgeNOW.net.
Gathering the Body of Christ to Intercede for Such a Critical Time as This!
Our nation is facing the greatest challenge since World War II. TOGETHER we must engage in wartime prayer against the real invisible enemy. Therefore, Transform USA National Conference Call has transitioned from monthly to twice weekly pray calls: TOGETHER Responding to the COVID-19 National Crisis in PRAYER, Tuesday & Thursday Mornings, 8-9:30 am Pacific / 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, using 712-770-4010 & code 900655#. Our 90 minutes together will include insights and words of inspiration from servant leaders towards prevailing intercession. Please consider inviting fellow brothers and sisters Christ. Visit: www.TransformUSA.info ~ Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Nat'l Conf Call, prayersurgenow@gmail.com, 530-570-0085

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