Transform World, TW North America, National Prayer Assembly
Inviting Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America
THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2020, 8-10 AM PACIFIC: Please consider the following March Transform U SA (TUSA) 3/5 National Conference Call for LIFE, LIBERTY, JUSTICE in 2020, and invite fellow servant leaders and intercessors to participate with us. Call: 712-770-4010 Code: 900655# Visit:
Transform USA (TUSA) 3/5 Nat'l Conf Call
8:00-10:00 am Pacific, 9:00-11:00 am Mountain,
10:00 am-12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010 Code: 900655# Mute: *6
Please read the March TUSA 3/5 National Conference Call schedule/agenda below with contributing servant leaders including (in alphabetical order, confirmed as of Tuesday, March 4): Mark Beliles, Sharon Boileau, Maryal Boumann, Maureen Bravo, Peter Carlson, David Carroll, Virginia Chapman, Cindy Collins, Dai Sup Han, Gregg Healey, Donna LaBelle, Chris Lascelles, Terry MacAlmon, Donna Matts, Allan Parker, Cheri Risch, Julie Vida.
TUSA 3/5 schedule/agenda in Pacific Time.
Please adjust to your time zone. Subject to change.
8:00-8:15 am Pacific Welcome & Opening Prayer/Shofar
- Dai Sup Han, Prayer Surge NOW!,
- Maryal Boumann, PRAY CALIFORNIA,
8:15-8:30 am Pacific March Forth - The Louisiana Abortion Case - Praise Report, click here
- Address by Allan Parker, The Justice Foundation, or Cindy Collins, Operation Outcry, (5 min)
- Prayers offered by Donna LaBelle, Transform USA Wednesday Prayer Meeting; Others, connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min each)
8:30-8:45 am Pacific March Forth
- The Louisiana Abortion Case - Intercession for the United States Supreme Court
- Address by Allan Parker or Cindy Collins (5 min)
- Prayers offered by Maureen Bravo, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Calls, NSPC Facebook Group; Others, connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min each)
8:45-9:00 am Pacific March Forth
- The Louisiana Abortion Case - Intercession for the Body of Christ
- Address by Allan Parker or Cindy Collins (5 min)
- Prayers offered by Sharon Boileau, Hannah's Initiative, PK Women's Prayer Pod; Others, connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min each)
9:00-9:15 am Pacific Sing Over America, Dallas, May 7-8, click here
- Address by Terry MacAlmon, Sing Over America, Nat'l Worship Gathering, (5 min)
- Prayers offered by Peter Carlson, Leadership Team, Pray Oregon,; Others, connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min each)
9:15-9:30 am Pacific
American Pilgrimage 400, Plymouth, Mass, June 28-July 2, click here
- Address by Mark Beliles, Convening Team, American Plymouth 400, 1620-2020, (5 min)
- Prayers offered by Donna Matts, Virginia Governor's Prayer Team,; Cheri Risch, PRAY CALIFORNIA - Fresno; Others, connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min each)
9:30-9:45 am Pacific 2020 Vision for America, click here
- Address by Chris Lascelles, Author of the Book, 2020 Vision for America, (5 min)
- Prayers offered by David Carroll, Steering Committee Member of TWUSA; Others, connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min each)
9:45-10:00 am Pacific Night Vision of TC, January 1, 2020
- Address by Gregg Healey, Impact Connecticut, www. (5 min) - Prayers offered by
Julie Vida, Serving with Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, www.chpponline.; Virginia Chapman, Church Awakening,; Others, connected Servant Leaders/Intercessors (1-2 min each)
10:00 am Pacific Announcements & Closing Prayer/Shofar
- Virginia Chapman, Church Awakening Conference Praise Report; Bob Perry,; Dai Sup Han,, Prayer Surge NOW! 3/7, this Saturday morning, 605-475-4797, code 336718#,, click here for Promise Keepers Events in the Greater Los Angeles, March 13-15
- Maryal Boumann
Please mark your calendar!
April TUSA 4/2 Nat'l Conf Call
Thursday, April 2, 2020
8-10 am Pacific, 9-11 am Mountain,
10 am-12 pm Central, 11 am-1 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010 Code: 900655#