An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
TUSA 2/1 for The First 100 Days of
The Trump Administration
Transform USA National Prayer Call
Transforming America TOGETHER in CHRIST
during Prayer Surge NOW!
THIS Saturday Morning, February 1
10:00-11:00 am Eastern, 9:00-10:00 am Central,
8:00-9:00 am Mountain, 7:00-8:00 am Pacific
Call: 605-475-4797 Code: 336718# Mute: *6
Let Us Intercede for the First 100 Days of the Trump Administration & Spiritual Awakening Across America with:
- Amy Stoehr, Leadership Team,, Host Team, Transform USA (TUSA)
- Keena Cowsert, Founder/Director,
TUSA Host Team:
- Amy Stoehr, Co-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego area, California, www., Leadership Team, PRAY CALIFORNIA, - Li
sa Crump, Christian Emergency Network Prayer,, Liberty Prayer Caucus, El Paso County, Colorado - Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory,, Executive Editor, UNITY Awakening the One New Man, and Founder, Sign the O.A.T.H. Project,,
Co-Author of the Book, Kingdom Calling: A Field Manual for Believers - Dai Sup Han, Lead Convener, Transform USA
Monthly National Prayer Call,, Natio nal Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,, Co-Convener, AWAKE! Gatherings
Contact us at prayersurgenow@gmail. com