Tuesday, January 26, 2021

TUSA 1/28 with Gregg Healey, Maryal Boumann, Cheri Risch for Digging the Wells of Revival in NE + CA: Our Dunkirk Moment!

Would you intercede for JESUS' Mighty Men's Movement?  Please consider using the daily Promise Keepers 2021 Prayer Guide, Jan 16-31, click HERE.  ATTENTION BROTHERS! Please consider joining the Promise Keepers Men's Prayer Team for weekly prayer calls and Zoom meetings across America. Contact daisuph@pknet.org TODAY!

Prayer Surge NOW! 1/31 Nat'l Conf Call, THIS Saturday, January 30, 7:30-11 am ET, with Papa Don Finto, Caleb Company, General Patrick Caruana, USAF (ret.), Rev. Pierre Bynum, Family Research Council, WWII Vet Fred Lunsford, 40 Days with GOD, Bill Landers, Men for Nations, and Intercessors Across America.  Host Team: Tom Smith, Al McCarn, Dai Sup Han.  Call: 605-475-4797  Code: 336718#  Visit: www.PrayerSurgeNOW.net

Please read and respond to OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT! at the bottom the following invitation.

An Open Invitation for the Body of Christ to TUSA
Transform USA National Prayer Calls
This is Our Dunkirk Moment
for Revival in New England
and JESUS' Golden State
THIS Thursday, January 28
11 am-1 pm Eastern, 10 am-12 pm Central
9-11 am Mountain, 8-10 am Pacific
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
11 am-12 pm Eastern  Focused on USA & New England with Gregg Healey, Leadership Team, Impact Connecticut, www.impactconnecticut.comServing with 10 Days of Prayer, www.10days.net, and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America
12-1 pm Eastern  Focused on USA & California with Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA, www.praycalifornia.organd Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America. 
TUSA 1/28 hosted by Cheri Risch, Facilitating Team, National DAILY Prayer Calls, www.nationalhighwayofprayer.netTeacher, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Central Valley, CA, www.cefnorcal.organd Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA National Prayer Calls, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net

Please read the following letter to intercessors across America: OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT!, written August 2017. 

Dear Praying Brothers and Sisters:      

Have you seen "Dunkirk" at a theater near you?  As intercessors, we need to have clear understanding into the backdrop of this movie based one of the most important events of the 20th century through reading the book Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman Grubb, and make critical choices regarding our Father's desire for desperate souls in our cities and nation.  Would you take a few minutes to prayerfully read the rest of this letter for insights into prevailing intercession towards God's deliverance and destiny for the people of our cities as well as across America?

I began reading Rees Howells: Intercessor 10 years ago during a driving trip from California to Washington, D.C.  When I arrived in DC on May 2007, Dick Simmons, Founder/Director, Men for Nations, encouraged me to read Chapter 34 (Intercession for Dunkirk) which is the remarkable story about prevailing intercession on behalf of the 400,000 British and French troops about to be annihilated on a beach in Dunkirk, France, May 1940.  I highly recommend this movie and for you to discover how God answered the prayers of Rees Howells and his group of Welsh intercessors.  In fact, I purposely watched Dunkirk movie in preparation for this letter. 

How does what occurred 77 years ago in this modest French town relate to revival in your communities and cities across America for such a time as this?  A major miracle - "exceedingly abundantly above" all that Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the British commanders could ever imagine or hope for - was required for the physical deliverance of most of the 400,000 young men surrounded by the Nazi forces.  Without such a supernatural response from God, only death, and destruction would have prevailed, and an early WWII victory for Hitler.  As for our own community and nation, we must see ourselves as God's "first responders" in the breach/invasion of our "homeland security" and desperately seek God's face for His deliverance and destiny.  Our desperate hope in our LORD and Savior will and must prevent the horrific devastation coming our way.  We as intercessors TOGETHER in CHRIST must choose DAILY awakening into desperate prayers for Heaven to invade the hearts of men, women, children with Christ's abundant life rather than fall into slumber that will lead to a greater devastation from the one who is already roaming in our streets and neighborhoods to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  

On May 30, 2007, back in DC, my early ministry Internet posting included: "You are more responsible for this victory today than those men on the battlefield." Rees Howells spoke these words to his group of intercessors as the British soldiers were about to be destroyed by the Nazis at Dunkirk on May 17, 1940. The Lord heard the cries of Mr. Howells and his intercessors and delivered the soldiers

How true is Mr. Howells' quote TODAY of us as Christ's intercessors assigned to various communities across America.  This is OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT!  Let us surge TOGETHER in CHRIST for Revival Fire for our cities, nation, and beyond!

Together in Christ,

Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA National Prayer Callstransformusa.info, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com.  For Promise Keepers 2021, visit www.promisekeepers.org, contact: DaiSupH@pknet.org.  

Saturday, January 23, 2021

TUSA 1/26 & 1/28 for JESUS' Destiny for America: OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT!

Updated, Monday, January 25, 2021

Would you intercede for JESUS' Mighty Men's Movement?  Please consider using the daily Promise Keepers 2021 Prayer Guide, Jan 16-31, click HERE.  ATTENTION BROTHERS! Please consider joining the Promise Keepers Men's Prayer Team for weekly prayer calls and Zoom meetings across America. Contact daisuph@pknet.org TODAY!

Please read and respond to OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT! at the bottom the following invitation.

An Open Invitation for the Body of Christ to TUSA
Transform USA National Prayer Calls
JESUS' Destiny for America
THIS Tuesday, January 26
11 am-1 pm Eastern, 10 am-12 pm Central
9-11 am Mountain, 8-10 am Pacific
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
11 am-12 pm Eastern with: John Robb, Former Chairman, International Prayer Council, www.ipcpray.orgConvener, National Prayer Assembly, www.nationalprayerassembly.org; Lisa Crump, Core Team Member, Transform USAIG, Specialist in Spiritual Warfare (Ephesians 6:10-13)and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America
12-1 pm Eastern with: WWII Vet Pastor Fred Lunsford, Convener, 40 Days with God, Prayer for Spiritual Awakening, April 1- May 10, www.FortyDaysWithGOD.orgwatch "Praying on the Mountain" Documentary featuring Fred Lunsford, click HERE; Mickey Maennle, President, Christian Lighthouse Ministries, www.christianlighthousemministries.com, Convening Team, 40 Days with God; Sharon Kephart, Convening Team, 40 Days with God; and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America.

TUSA 1/28 with: Gregg Healey, Leadership Team, Impact Connecticut, www.impactconnecticut.comServing with 10 Days of Prayer, www.10days.net; Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA, www.praycalifornia.org; and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America. 

Please read the following letter to intercessors across America: OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT!, written August 2017. 

Dear Praying Brothers and Sisters:      

Have you seen "Dunkirk" at a theater near you?  As intercessors, we need to have clear understanding into the backdrop of this movie based one of the most important events of the 20th century through reading the book Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman Grubb, and make critical choices regarding our Father's desire for desperate souls in our cities and nation.  Would you take a few minutes to prayerfully read the rest of this letter for insights into prevailing intercession towards God's deliverance and destiny for the people of our cities as well as across America?

I began reading Rees Howells: Intercessor 10 years ago during a driving trip from California to Washington, D.C.  When I arrived in DC on May 2007, Dick Simmons, Founder/Director, Men for Nations, encouraged me to read Chapter 34 (Intercession for Dunkirk) which is the remarkable story about prevailing intercession on behalf of the 400,000 British and French troops about to be annihilated on a beach in Dunkirk, France, May 1940.  I highly recommend this movie and for you to discover how God answered the prayers of Rees Howells and his group of Welsh intercessors.  In fact, I purposely watched Dunkirk movie in preparation for this letter. 

How does what occurred 77 years ago in this modest French town relate to revival in your communities and cities across America for such a time as this?  A major miracle - "exceedingly abundantly above" all that Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the British commanders could ever imagine or hope for - was required for the physical deliverance of most of the 400,000 young men surrounded by the Nazi forces.  Without such a supernatural response from God, only death, and destruction would have prevailed, and an early WWII victory for Hitler.  As for our own community and nation, we must see ourselves as God's "first responders" in the breach/invasion of our "homeland security" and desperately seek God's face for His deliverance and destiny.  Our desperate hope in our LORD and Savior will and must prevent the horrific devastation coming our way.  We as intercessors TOGETHER in CHRIST must choose DAILY awakening into desperate prayers for Heaven to invade the hearts of men, women, children with Christ's abundant life rather than fall into slumber that will lead to a greater devastation from the one who is already roaming in our streets and neighborhoods to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  

On May 30, 2007, back in DC, my early ministry Internet posting included: "You are more responsible for this victory today than those men on the battlefield." Rees Howells spoke these words to his group of intercessors as the British soldiers were about to be destroyed by the Nazis at Dunkirk on May 17, 1940. The Lord heard the cries of Mr. Howells and his intercessors and delivered the soldiers

How true is Mr. Howells' quote TODAY of us as Christ's intercessors assigned to various communities across America.  This is OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT!  Let us surge TOGETHER in CHRIST for Revival Fire for our cities, nation, and beyond!

Together in Christ,

Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA National Prayer Callstransformusa.info, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com.  For Promise Keepers 2021, visit www.promisekeepers.org, contact: DaiSupH@pknet.org.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

TUSA 1/21 for JESUS' Destiny for America with Herbert Hong & Bob Cornuke

Would you intercede for JESUS' Mighty Men's Movement?  Please consider using the daily Promise Keepers 2021 Prayer Guide, Jan 16-31, click HERE.  ATTENTION BROTHERS! Please consider joining the Promise Keepers Men's Prayer Team for weekly prayer calls and Zoom meeting across America. Contact daisuph@pknet.org TODAY!

Please read and respond to OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT! at the bottom the following invitation.

An Open Invitation for the Body of Christ to TUSA
Transform USA 1/21 Nat'l Prayer Call
JESUS Destiny for America
THIS Thursday, January 21
11 am-1 pm Eastern, 10 am-12 pm Central
9-11 am Mountain, 8-10 am Pacific
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
11 am-12 pm Eastern with: Herbert Hong, International Director, Korea World Mission Association, www.kwma.org, IMB-Persian Europe Refugee Team Leader, Church On The Road- Coordinator; and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America
12-1 pm Eastern with: Bob Cornuke, Donor Relations/Adventure Tours, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.orgPresident, Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute, www.baseinstitute.org, Executive Producer of the "Mountain of Fire" motion picture project; and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America.

Please read the following letter to intercessors across America: OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT!, written August 2017. 

Dear Praying Brothers and Sisters:      

Have you seen "Dunkirk" at a theater near you?  As intercessors, we need to have clear understanding into the backdrop of this movie based one of the most important events of the 20th century through reading the book Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman Grubb, and make critical choices regarding our Father's desire for desperate souls in our cities and nation.  Would you take a few minutes to prayerfully read the rest of this letter for insights into prevailing intercession towards God's deliverance and destiny for the people of our cities as well as across America?

I began reading Rees Howells: Intercessor 10 years ago during a driving trip from California to Washington, D.C.  When I arrived in DC on May 2007, Dick Simmons, Founder/Director, Men for Nations, encouraged me to read Chapter 34 (Intercession for Dunkirk) which is the remarkable story about prevailing intercession on behalf of the 400,000 British and French troops about to be annihilated on a beach in Dunkirk, France, May 1940.  I highly recommend this movie and for you to discover how God answered the prayers of Rees Howells and his group of Welsh intercessors.  In fact, I purposely watched Dunkirk movie in preparation for this letter. 

How does what occurred 77 years ago in this modest French town relate to revival in your communities and cities across America for such a time as this?  A major miracle - "exceedingly abundantly above" all that Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the British commanders could ever imagine or hope for - was required for the physical deliverance of most of the 400,000 young men surrounded by the Nazi forces.  Without such a supernatural response from God, only death, and destruction would have prevailed, and an early WWII victory for Hitler.  As for our own community and nation, we must see ourselves as God's "first responders" in the breach/invasion of our "homeland security" and desperately seek God's face for His deliverance and destiny.  Our desperate hope in our LORD and Savior will and must prevent the horrific devastation coming our way.  We as intercessors TOGETHER in CHRIST must choose DAILY awakening into desperate prayers for Heaven to invade the hearts of men, women, children with Christ's abundant life rather than fall into slumber that will lead to a greater devastation from the one who is already roaming in our streets and neighborhoods to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  

On May 30, 2007, back in DC, my early ministry Internet posting included: "You are more responsible for this victory today than those men on the battlefield." Rees Howells spoke these words to his group of intercessors as the British soldiers were about to be destroyed by the Nazis at Dunkirk on May 17, 1940. The Lord heard the cries of Mr. Howells and his intercessors and delivered the soldiers

How true is Mr. Howells' quote TODAY of us as Christ's intercessors assigned to various communities across America.  This is OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT!  Let us surge TOGETHER in CHRIST for Revival Fire for our cities, nation, and beyond!

Together in Christ,

Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA National Prayer Callstransformusa.info, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com.  For Promise Keepers 2021, visit www.promisekeepers.org, contact: DaiSupH@pknet.org.  

Friday, January 15, 2021

Inauguration Day National Prayer Call for USA, Wed, Jan 20 & TUSA 1/21 with Herbert Hong, Bob Cornuke

Updated, Wednesday, January 20, 2021

ATTENTION BROTHERS! Please consider joining the Promise Keepers Men's Prayer Team for weekly prayer calls and Zoom meeting across America. Contact daisuph@pknet.org TODAY!

TOMORROW: Transform USA National Prayer Calls for America AWAKE!, Thursday, January 21, 11 am-1 pm Eastern, with Herbert Hong, Int'l Director, Korea World Mission Association, www.kwma.org, Bob Cornuke, Serving with Promise KeepersPresident, Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute, www.baseinstitute.org.

TODAY: Transform USA 1/20 Special Inauguration Day National Prayer Call: United Intercession for JESUS' Destiny of America and Transforming USA Together11 am-1:30 pm Eastern, 8:00-10:30 am Pacific, with following confirmed Servant Leaders (as of Tus, Jan 19, in alphabetical order): Daniel Bernard, Gwen Bradley, Dr. Paul CedarLisa Crump, Judge Vance Day, Pastor Netz GomezDai Sup Han, Kay HornerChris Mitchell, Pastor Michael ObiAllan ParkerAnn Quest, Pastor Art Remington, Jr.John RobbJeremy StoryDoug Stringer, Robert Wolff, and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America. Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Please read the details/agenda below.

An Open Invitation for the Body of Christ to TUSA
Inauguration Day National Prayer Call
for JESUS' Destiny of America
and Transforming USA Together 
Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the LORD!
NEXT Wednesday, January 20
11:00 am-1:30- pm Eastern, 10:00 am-12:30 pm Central
9:00-11:30 am Mountain, 8:00-10:30 am Pacific
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

11:00 am-12:00 pm Eastern focused on United Intercession for America and the Incoming Administration with: 
12:00-1:00 pm Eastern focused on United Intercession for JESUS' Peace/Security and Transforming Revival with: 
1:00-1:30 pm Eastern focused on America AWAKE! JESUS' Eternal and Global Purposes with:
* denotes speakers. Hosted by Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA National Prayer Call.

Please read the following letter to intercessors across America: OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT!, written August 2017. 

Dear Praying Brothers and Sisters:      

Have you seen "Dunkirk" at a theater near you?  As intercessors, we need to have clear understanding into the backdrop of this movie based one of the most important events of the 20th century through reading the book Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman Grubb, and make critical choices regarding our Father's desire for desperate souls in our cities and nation.  Would you take a few minutes to prayerfully read the rest of this letter for insights into prevailing intercession towards God's deliverance and destiny for the people of our cities as well as across America?

I began reading Rees Howells: Intercessor 10 years ago during a driving trip from California to Washington, D.C.  When I arrived in DC on May 2007, Dick Simmons, Founder/Director, Men for Nations, encouraged me to read Chapter 34 (Intercession for Dunkirk) which is the remarkable story about prevailing intercession on behalf of the 400,000 British and French troops about to be annihilated on a beach in Dunkirk, France, May 1940.  I highly recommend this movie and for you to discover how God answered the prayers of Rees Howells and his group of Welsh intercessors.  In fact, I purposely watched Dunkirk movie in preparation for this letter. 

How does what occurred 77 years ago in this modest French town relate to revival in your communities and cities across America for such a time as this?  A major miracle - "exceedingly abundantly above" all that Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the British commanders could ever imagine or hope for - was required for the physical deliverance of most of the 400,000 young men surrounded by the Nazi forces.  Without such a supernatural response from God, only death, and destruction would have prevailed, and an early WWII victory for Hitler.  As for our own community and nation, we must see ourselves as God's "first responders" in the breach/invasion of our "homeland security" and desperately seek God's face for His deliverance and destiny.  Our desperate hope in our LORD and Savior will and must prevent the horrific devastation coming our way.  We as intercessors TOGETHER in CHRIST must choose DAILY awakening into desperate prayers for Heaven to invade the hearts of men, women, children with Christ's abundant life rather than fall into slumber that will lead to a greater devastation from the one who is already roaming in our streets and neighborhoods to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  

On May 30, 2007, back in DC, my early ministry Internet posting included: "You are more responsible for this victory today than those men on the battlefield." Rees Howells spoke these words to his group of intercessors as the British soldiers were about to be destroyed by the Nazis at Dunkirk on May 17, 1940. The Lord heard the cries of Mr. Howells and his intercessors and delivered the soldiers

How true is Mr. Howells' quote TODAY of us as Christ's intercessors assigned to various communities across America.  This is OUR DUNKIRK MOMENT!  Let us surge TOGETHER in CHRIST for Revival Fire for our cities, nation, and beyond!

Together in Christ,

Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!

Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA National Prayer Callstransformusa.info, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com.  For Promise Keepers 2021, visit www.promisekeepers.org, contact: DaiSupH@pknet.org.