Revised/Updated October 3, 2019
Join Us for November Transform USA 11/7 Nat'l Conference Call
10 Days Virtual 24/7 Zoom Until Oct 9,
10/17 Prayer Leaders Webinar with Promise Keepers Leadership
Inviting Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 8-10 AM PACIFIC: Please consider the following October Transform USA 10/3 National Conference Call during 10 Days of Prayer,, focused on THE NEXT GREAT AWAKENING in partnership with Awaken the Dawn Tent America 2019, tent-america, and invite fellow servant leaders and intercessors to participate with us. Call: 712-770-4010 Code: 900655#
Transform USA 10/3 National Conference Call
for Transforming America TOGETHER in 2019
during 10 Days of Prayer, Until Oct 9, Click HERE
In Partnership with Awaken the Dawn
Tent America 2019, Oct 17-19, Click HERE
Thursday Morning, October 3, 2019
8:00-10:00 am Pacific, 9:00-11:00 am Mountain,
10:00 am-12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010 Code: 900655# Mute: *6
Convener of the Monthly Transform USA National Conference Calls: Taechin "TC" Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA,
Chairpersons for Transform USA 10/3 National Conference Call: Scott Bradshaw, Founder, Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace & Missions Base, Awakening Community Pastoral Director,, and Awaken the Dawn (ATD) Church Network Ambassador, & Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, www., National Prayer Coordinator, Promise Keepers,
Agenda in Pacific Time, please adjust to your time zone
(subject to change).
8:00-8:15 am Greet One Another/Welcome by TC Kim; Opening Prayer of Blessing/Shofar by Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA, www.; Prayer for Luis & Doris Bush/Transform World Movement by Dai Sup Han
8:15-8:40 am The Inspiration of the Moravians & Past Great Awakenings that Swept America by Jason Hubbard, Executive Director, Light of the World Prayer Center, (5-10 min) & Pastor Jeffrey Daly, Director, National Day of Repentance, www. (5-10 min); Intercession offered by (1-2 min each):
- Maureen Bravo, International Director, Liberty Prayer Network & Coordinator, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Calls - Since November 2016, NSPC Facebook Group
- Travis Witt, Senior Pastor, Gilboa Christian Church,, National Coordinator, TW2020 North America Region, www.transform-world.
net - Others
8:40-9:00 am United Prayer Movement Across America by Dai Sup Han (10 min); Intercession offered by (1-2 min each):
- Barbara Romeo, Midnight Cry
- Gregg Healey, State-Wide Facilitator, Impact Connecticut, www. - Kay Horner, Executive Director, Awakening America Alliance,
- Silas Titus, Director, Wall Street Prayer,
- Hyoungsik Yim, Open Heaven Community Church (Boston Area),, a convener for School of Awakening and Revival, Oct 5-Nov 2
- Others
- Dai Sup Han
9:00-9:15 am The Coming Great Awakening, Awaken the Dawn Awaken (ATD) 2017 & 2018, and ATD Tent America 2019, October 17-19, in the State Capitols & Cities Across Our Nation, tent-america, by Pia Jo Reynolds, ATD National Mobilization Director, and John Knoch, ATD Executive Team, Mobilization (5 min each); Intercession offered by (1-2 min each):
- Katherine Barry, ATD Strategic Prayer Network Facilitator & Ambassador
- Paula Scallions, ATD National Strategic Prayer Network Director
- John and Anna Mix, California Core Team Leader, Awaken the Dawn Tent America 2019
9:15-9:30 am ATD Tent America 2019 on College Campuses by Scott Bradshaw, Founder, Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace & Missions Base, Awakening Community Pastoral Director,, and Awaken the Dawn (ATD) Church Network Ambassador (5 min); Intercession offered by (1-2 min each):
- Paula Scallions
- Katherine Barry
- Mary Tome, Vice President, EstherNet International & Director, World Shapers Club,
category/eni/world-shapers- club - Summer Ingram, National Director of Prayer and Mobilization, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, www.cpcfoundation.
com - Others
- Paula Scallions
- Katherine Barry
- Donna LaBelle, Serving with Transform USA Colorado Springs
- Agnes McKittrick, Strategic Intercessor in Partnership with Transform USA
- Others
- Scott Bradshaw
9:45-10:05 am Closing Comments by Amy Everett, Leadership Team, Colorado Prays,, Mark Beliles, North America Facilitator, Transform World, , President, www. americatransformationcompany. com (5 min) & TC Kim (5 min); Prayers for TC & Soonae; Closing Prayer/Shofar by Maryal Boumann
10 Days Virtual 24/7 Zoom Until Oct 9
A Very Special Invitation to 10/17 Prayer Leaders Live
Video Conference with Promise Keepers Leadership
Next Transform USA 11/7
National Conference Call
Thursday, November 7, 2019
8-10 am Pacific, 9-11 am Mountain,
10 am-12 pm Central, 11 am-1 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010 Code: 900655#