Monday, July 15, 2019

Transform USA 8/1 Nat'l Conf Call for Salvation of the Jewish People in America

Inviting Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America
Please consider the following critical Transform USA 8/1 National Conference Call focused on THE SALVATION OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL ACROSS AMERICA. More than 5 million Jews (or 40+% of the world's Jewish population) reside in our nation, and most are yet to be reached with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have invited several Messianic Jewish servant leaders to share/pray with us towards salvation of our Jewish neighbors. Would you read the rest of this letter and invite others? Thank you! For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16)

Transform USA 8/1 National Conference Call
For Transforming America TOGETHER in 2019
Interceding for the Salvation of the
Children of Israel Across America
with Messianic Jewish Servant Leaders
Thursday Morning, August 1, 2019
8:00-10:00 am Pacific, 9:00-11:00 am Mountain,
10:00 am-12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

Confirmed Messianic Jewish servant leaders/intercessors contributing to Transform USA 8/1 (in alphabetical order): Beverly AbajianGrant BerrySteve and Barbara HardgroveLinda JaramilloPhillip LemkinGayle PerryJonathon SerenilMatthew Smoler, Barbara Sonin-RobbinsRobert Wolff.  And, Gentile servant leaders/intercessors: Maryal Boumann, Peter Carlson, Lisa Crump, Bev Dennen, Mohamad Faridi, Gregg Healey, Summer Ingram, Barbara Ingmire, Colleen Jost, TC Kim, Lisa Powell, Andie Rice, Cheri Risch, Barbara Romeo, Carol Sheets, Merv Witherup.

Convener of the monthly Transform USA National Conference Calls: Taechin "TC" Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA,

Chairperson for Transform USA 8/1 National Conference Call: Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory,, Executive Editor, UNITY Awakening the One New Man

Agenda in Pacific Time, please adjust to your time zone
(subject to change).   

8:00-8:15 am  Greet one another and welcome by TC Kim (8 min); Opening Prayers of Blessing offered by Beverly Abajian, serving with ASK Network, (2 min), Phillip Lemkin, Australian born Rabbi/Pastor, Author of the Book, A Trail of Gold, serving with 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call (2 min); Shofar by Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA, (2 min)

8:15-8:35 am  Vision of Transform USA 8/1 National Conference Call and Salvation Testimony #1 by Robert Wolff (10 min); Prayers for Salvation of the Children of Israel in America offered by Steve and Barbara Hardgrove, serving with Prayer Surge NOW!, (2 min each), Lisa Crump, NDPTF Vice-President of Volunteer Mobilization and Liaison to Prayer Ministries, (2 min), Peter Carlson, Oregon State Co-Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force (2 min)

8:35-8:55 am  Testimony #2 and Salvation of the Jewish American Youth/Millennials by Matthew Smoler, Intercessory Missionary, International House of Prayer, Kansas (10 min); Prayers for salvation of Jewish Youth/Millennials in America offered by Barbara Sonin-Robbins, serving with Prayer Surge NOW! (2 min), Mohamad Faridi, President, Iranian Christians International, (2 min), Colleen Jost, serving with Transform USA Prayer Team, Colorado Springs (2 min), Merv WitherupSpokane/Honolulu World Prayer (2 min)

8:55-9:10 am  Prayers for Salvation of Hispanic Sephardic Jews in America offered by Linda Jaramillo, New Mexico State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force (2 min), Jonathon Serenil, The Lord's Gate, San Antonio (2 min), Gayle Perry, Strategic Intercessor for Israel and the Sephardic Jews (2 min); Prayers for Evangelistic Tools for Reaching the Jewish People: They Thought for, offered by Carol Sheets, Assistant to Sid Roth, (2 min) and The Miracle of, offered by Robert Wolff (2 min)

9:10-9:25 am  Prayers for Salvation of America Jews in Various Spheres of Influence: Business offered by Gregg Healey, Director of Impact Connecticut (2 min); Education offered by Cheri Risch, Facilitating Team, National DAILY Prayer Calls (2 min); Arts/Entertainment offered by Barbara Ingmire, West Region National Area Leader, National Day of Prayer Task Force (2 min); Government offered by Summer IngramNational Director of Prayer and Mobilization, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, (2 min); Religion offered by Andie Rice, Alaska State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force (2 min) 

9:25-9:45 am  Testimony #3 and Jews and Gentiles TOGETHER as The ONE NEW Man by Grant BerryAuthor of the new book, ROMANS 911: Time to Sound the Alarm, and Founder/Director, Reconnecting Ministries, (10 min); Prayers for The ONE NEW Man Movement Across America offered by Lisa PowellDoor of Hope Christian Fellowship, (2 min), Barbara Romeo, Midnight Cry (2 min), 2 or 3 others

9:45-10:05 am  Closing Comments/Health Update by TC Kim (5 min); Prayers for TC offered by 4 or 5 connected servant leaders/intercessors (10 min); Invitation to PRAY CALIFORNIA Annual Conference, August 24,, Closing Prayer/Shofar by Maryal Boumann (5 min)

Next Transform USA 9/5
National Conference Call
Thursday, September 5, 2019
 8-10 am Pacific, 9-11 am Mountain,
10 am-12 pm Central, 11 am-1 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#

Monday, July 1, 2019

Special Fourth of July Transform USA National Conference Call on America's 243th Independence Day

Inviting Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America
Transform USA 7/4 National Conference Call
For Transforming America TOGETHER in 2019
On America's 243rd Birthday!
Blessed is the Nation Whose
God is the LORD. ~ Psalm 33:12 
Let Us Declare Complete INDEPENDENCE from the World
Greater INTERDEPENDENCE towards One Another!
Thursday Morning, July 4, 2019
8:00-9:30 am Pacific, 9:00-10:30 am Mountain,
10:00 am-11:30 am Central, 11:00 am-12:30 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

Convener of the monthly Transform USA National Conference Calls: Taechin "TC" Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA,

Chairpersons for Transform USA 7/4 National Conference Call: Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA, www.praycalifornia.orgDai Sup Han, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,

Agenda in Pacific Time, please adjust to your time zone
(subject to change). 

8:00-8:10  Welcome by TC Kim; Opening Prayer/Shofar by Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA 

8:10-8:30  GOD's DESTINY of Our Nation: Address by Stephen McDowell, Co-Founder and President, Providence Foundation,, (10 min); 2 minute Prayers led by Marilyn Jackson, Founder,  Gregg Healey, Director of Impact Connecticut, Phillip Lemkin, Pastor and Author of Trees of Gold and other servant leaders (10 min)

8:30-8:50  LIFE and JUSTICE in America: Address by Allan Parker, President, The Justice Foundation,, and Co-Author, The Moral Outcry, (10 min); 2 minute Prayers led by Cheri Risch, Facilitating Team with  National DAILY Prayer Calls, Pray California, and Governor's Prayer Team, Valerie House, Worship Leader and Prayer Leader with Pray California, Governor's Prayer Team and NDP, Betty Jordan, Pray Leader with Pray California and Founder and Pastor of New Life Worship Ministries and other servant leaders (10 min)

8:50-9:10  Total DEPENDENCE in Christ: Address by Judge Vance Day, Chief Operating Officer, Promise Keepers, (10 min); Ann Quest, Founder/Director, Unity Quest, Randy Powell, Director, Men for Nations Heartland, Pastor Art and Miriam Remington, National Ambassadors At-Large, Promise Keepers (10 min)

9:10-9:20  Intercession for America AWAKE!: Open prayers offered by servant leaders and intercessors across America (10 min)

9:20-9:30  TC Health Update/Prayer; Closing Prayer/Shofar by Maryal Boumann

Next Transform USA 8/1
National Conference Call
Thursday, August 1, 2019
 8-10 am Pacific, 9-11 am Mountain,
10 am-12 pm Central, 11 am-1 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#