Important Update, May 13, 2018

Attention Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America: Welcome to the Homepage of Transform USA Summit 2018: Transforming America TOGETHER, May 16-19, Every Home for Christ and Springs Church, Colorado Springs. Please read the rest of this Homepage, visit the various links, and click here for Summit Registration. Our opening session will begin this coming Wednesday evening, May 16, 7 pm (check-in starts 6 pm) at Every Home for Christ.
Attention Body of Christ in Colorado Springs Area: Please note that the following two open/free evening sessions of Worship, Honor, Prayer, Blessing are for ALL members of the Body of Christ including children and youth (registration not required) at Springs Church, 1515 Auto Mall Loop, Colorado Springs:
Thursday, May 17, 6:30-9:00 pm - Evening Focus: Our Father’s Heart for His Servants including First Responders, Military Personnel, Government Officials, Pastors, Ministry Leaders. Confirmed Presenters as of May 4:
Thursday, May 17, 6:30-9:00 pm - Evening Focus: Our Father’s Heart for His Servants including First Responders, Military Personnel, Government Officials, Pastors, Ministry Leaders. Confirmed Presenters as of May 4:
- Dick Eastman, International President, Every Home for Christ
- Michael Petillo, Senior Pastor, Springs Church
- Chenoa Flick, Mother of El Paso County Sheriff Deputy Micah Flick
- Bentley Rayburn, Major General USAF (retired)
- Debbie Chaves, Executive Director, Colorado Family Action
- Jeff Anderson, President, International Bible Conference
- David Packiam, Chaplain, Springs Rescue Mission
- Zane Enos, Student, RESOLVE Speech and Debate
- Civil Air Patrol, Colorado Springs Cadet Squadron, Presenting Colors
Friday, May 18, 6:30-9:30 pm - Evening Focus: Our Father’s Future for America through Families, Children, Youth, Millennials. Confirmed
Presenters as of May 4:
- Luis Bush, Global Facilitator, Transform World, Servant Catalyst, 4/14 Window Movement
- Rich Bennett, President/CEO, Life Network
- John Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council
- Mary Tome, Founder, Esther Network Int’l World Shapers Club
- Craig Rosentrater, Executive Director, Southern Colorado Youth for Christ
- Michael de Graaf, Northern El Paso County Area Representative, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Macy Rae Klein & Cody Adair, Student Leadership Team, Project Reasons
- Eric Gomez, Serving with Antioch Center for Training (ACTS)
- Trail Life USA, Troop 313 Black Forest, Presenting Flags
Please assist us in spreading the word. Thank you!
You are invited to the following national summit. Please mark your calendar and
share this invitation with fellow servant leaders and intercessors across America.

Transform USA Summit 2018
From Wednesday Evening, May 16
Until Saturday Afternoon, May 19
Until Saturday Afternoon, May 19
Theme: Transforming America TOGETHER
Every Home for Christ Jericho Center
640 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO
*Springs Church Main Auditorium
1515 Auto Mall Loop, Colorado Springs, CO
We cordially invite you to Transform USA Summit 2018 in Colorado Springs. We will gather for the purpose of mobilizing prevailing prayer across America for such a time as this – that ultimately touches every home and cultural sphere for Christ –with the end goal of seeing God’s will done in America as it is in Heaven.
As we gather in May we will be inspired and challenged by the testimonies and exhortations of servant leaders from across our nation who are committed to persistent intercession that leads to engaging in the work of transforming our culture through the power and presence of Jesus Christ.
As the Holy Spirit speaks to us during the course of the summit, we will intercede for one another and the task of transforming our communities, cities, states, and nation. We look forward to your participation at Transform USA Summit 2018.
Transform USA Summit 2018
Servant Leadership/Convening Team
TC Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA
Summit Co-Chairman/Host Dick Eastman,
International President, Every Home for Christ
Summit Co-Chairman/Host Luis Bush, Global Facilitator,
Transform World, Servant Catalyst, 4/14 Window Movement
Dai Sup Han, Facilitator, Transform USA Summit 2018,
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
For additional details, please contact
TC Kim,, 720-2 72-9599
Dai Sup Han,, 530-570-0085
*Please note that ALL Transform USA Summit 2018 sessions will take place at the Every Home for Christ Jericho Center (which requires Eventbrite registration with limited seating) except for two evening sessions on May 17 and 18 at Springs Church which will be opened to the Body of Christ (registration not required). Please visit tentative summit schedule/agenda for details. Thank you!