Monday, April 25, 2022

TUSA 4/26 with Mark Tross for NM State Prayer Summit, May 13-14, & Barbara Ingmire for NDP, May 5

You are invited to the 2022 Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit, July 12-15 (BSH July 12-15)!  Would you consider joining us in Colorado Springs this July?  Please read the details below TUSA 4/26 details and assist us by inviting ALL those who are passionate about JESUS' Kingdom mandate: You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Dai Sup Han, Conference Coordinator, 2022 BSH July 12-15,

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ

Transform USA Weekly National Prayer Call

Transforming America TOGETHER in Christ

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

United Intercession for

New Mexico State Prayer

Summit, May 13-14,

National Day of Prayer,

Thursday, May 5,

and USA Awake!

11:00 am-12:00 pm Eastern, 10:00-11:00 Central
9:00-10:00 am Mountain, 8:00-9:00 am Pacific
Call: 267-807-9611  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

TUSA 4/26  Speakers:

  • Mark Tross, Convener Team, New Mexico State Prayer Summit, May 13-14, Coordinator, Prayer at the Heart of New Mexico, July 23,  Coordinator New Mexico Prayer Connect, Director, Christianbody.Net, www.christianbody.netcontact

    TUSA Host Team: Amy StoehrCo-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego area, California,; Lisa Crump, Christian Emergency Network Prayer & Liberty Prayer Caucus, El Paso County, Colorado; Doug Small, Visionary, Prayer at the Heart (PATH) of ALL 50 States in 2022,

    REGISTER TODAY: Join us for the 2022 Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit, July 12-15, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, with global leaders in the missions movement, missionaries, church/denominational leaders, prayer leaders & various national/international ministries towards Billion Soul Harvest TOGETHER by 2030.  JESUS has commissioned us to be His "witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” (Acts 1:8) & reminds each of us to "open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." (John 4:35).  Would you visit TODAY & share this invitation with fellow followers of CHRIST? ~ Dai Sup Han, Conference Coordinator, 2022 BSH July 12-15,

    Please read the "BSH Vision & Mission" and "Invitation to BSH July 12-15" below:

    Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,, contact:  Dai Sup also serves as Promise Keepers National Prayer Coordinator, visit, contact:

    Monday, April 18, 2022

    TUSA 4/19 with Gwen Bradley for NDP 5/5, Chery Osterloh for One Miracle Night 4/28 & John Robb for Ukraine

    You are invited to the 2022 Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit, July 12-15 (BSH July 12-15)!  Would you consider joining us in Colorado Springs this July?  Please read the details below TUSA 4/19 details and assist us by inviting ALL those who are passionate about JESUS' Kingdom mandate: You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Dai Sup Han, Conference Coordinator, 2022 BSH July 12-15,

    An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ

    Transform USA Weekly National Prayer Call

    Transforming America TOGETHER in Christ

    Tuesday, April 19, 2022

    United Intercession for

    National Day of Prayer,

    Thursday, May 5,

    2022 One Miracle Night,

    Thursday, April 28,

    Ukraine and USA Awake!

    11:00 am-12:00 pm Eastern, 10:00-11:00 Central
    9:00-10:00 am Mountain, 8:00-9:00 am Pacific
    Call: 267-807-9611  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

    TUSA 4/19  Speakers:

    • Gwen BradleyNational Liaison For Prayer Mobilization and Partnerships, National Area Leader of the Southeast Region, National Day of Prayer Task Force,

    • Chery Osterloh, 2022 One Miracle Night, Jesus Film Project, A Live, 24-Hour Prayer Event on Thursday, April 28, Starting at 8 am Eastern,

    One evening during Ramadan, the month of holy fasting, as many as 1 billion devout seekers pray for a fresh revelation from God. Tradition holds that on this one night—the Night of Power—God reveals himself to the faithful through miracles, signs and wonders. One Miracle Night is an annual, one-day event that unites believers everywhere to pray for these seekers. In this third year of the event, we invite you to gather virtually for 24 hours of dedicated prayer with believers around the world, joining for at least one hour or as you can. Pray with us that God reveals Himself in truth, love and power to each seeking heart.   

    • John RobbFounder, International Prayer Council, Chairman, Transformation Prayer Foundation (TPF), Planning Team Member, 2022 Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit, July 12-15,

    TUSA Host Team: Amy StoehrCo-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego area, California,; Lisa Crump, Christian Emergency Network Prayer & Liberty Prayer Caucus, El Paso County, Colorado; Doug Small, Visionary, Prayer at the Heart (PATH) of ALL 50 States in 2022,

    REGISTER TODAY: Join us for the 2022 Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit, July 12-15, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, with global leaders in the missions movement, missionaries, church/denominational leaders, prayer leaders & various national/international ministries towards Billion Soul Harvest TOGETHER by 2030.  JESUS has commissioned us to be His "witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” (Acts 1:8) & reminds each of us to "open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." (John 4:35).  Would you visit TODAY & share this invitation with fellow followers of CHRIST? ~ Dai Sup Han, Conference Coordinator, 2022 BSH July 12-15,

    Please read the "BSH Vision & Mission" and "Invitation to BSH July 12-15" below:

    Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,, contact:  Dai Sup also serves as Promise Keepers National Prayer Coordinator, visit, contact:

    Monday, April 11, 2022

    TUSA 4/12 for Prayer at the Heart with Lewis Hogan & Gerard Long

    You are invited to the 2022 Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit, July 12-15 (BSH July 12-15)!  Would you consider joining us in Colorado Springs this July?  Please read the details below TUSA 4/12 details and assist us by inviting ALL those who are passionate about JESUS' Kingdom mandate: You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Dai Sup Han, Conference Coordinator, 2022 BSH July 12-15,

    An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ

    Transform USA Weekly National Prayer Call

    Transforming America TOGETHER in Christ

    Tuesday, April 12, 2022

    United Intercession for

    Prayer at the Heart of

    Texas Praise Report,

    2022 Prayer at the

    Heart Across America

    and America AWAKE!

    11:00 am-12:00 pm Eastern, 10:00-11:00 Central
    9:00-10:00 am Mountain, 8:00-9:00 am Pacific
    Call: 267-807-9611  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

    TUSA 4/12  Speakers: 

    TUSA Host Team: Amy StoehrCo-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego area, California,; Lisa Crump, Christian Emergency Network Prayer & Liberty Prayer Caucus, El Paso County, Colorado; Doug Small, Visionary, Prayer at the Heart (PATH) of ALL 50 States in 2022,

    REGISTER TODAY: Join us for the 2022 Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit, July 12-15, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, with global leaders in the missions movement, missionaries, church/denominational leaders, prayer leaders & various national/international ministries towards Billion Soul Harvest TOGETHER by 2030.  JESUS has commissioned us to be His "witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” (Acts 1:8) & reminds each of us to "open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." (John 4:35).  Would you visit TODAY & share this invitation with fellow followers of CHRIST? ~ Dai Sup Han, Conference Coordinator, 2022 BSH July 12-15,

    Please read the "BSH Vision & Mission" and "Invitation to BSH July 12-15" below:

    Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,, contact:  Dai Sup also serves as Promise Keepers National Prayer Coordinator, visit, contact:

    Saturday, April 2, 2022

    TUSA 4/5 with Lewis Hogan for Prayer at the Heart & Young Cho for Blessing Ukrainians

    You are invited to the 2022 Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit, July 12-15 (BSH July 12-15)!  Would you consider joining us in Colorado Springs this July?  Please read the details below TUSA 4/5 details and assist us by inviting ALL those who are passionate about JESUS' Kingdom mandate: You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Dai Sup Han, Conference Coordinator, 2022 BSH July 12-15,

    An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ

    Transform USA Weekly National Prayer Call

    Transforming America TOGETHER in Christ

    Tuesday, April 5, 2022

    United Intercession for

    Prayer at the Heart of

    Texas THIS Saturday,

    Blessing Ukrainians

    and America AWAKE!

    11:00 am-12:00 pm Eastern, 10:00-11:00 Central
    9:00-10:00 am Mountain, 8:00-9:00 am Pacific
    Call: 267-807-9611  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

    TUSA 4/5  Speakers: 

    TUSA Host Team: Amy StoehrCo-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego area, California,; Lisa Crump, Christian Emergency Network Prayer & Liberty Prayer Caucus, El Paso County, Colorado; Doug Small, Visionary, Prayer at the Heart (PATH) of ALL 50 States in 2022,

    REGISTER TODAY: Join us for the 2022 Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit, July 12-15, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, with global leaders in the missions movement, missionaries, church/denominational leaders, prayer leaders & various national/international ministries towards Billion Soul Harvest TOGETHER by 2030.  JESUS has commissioned us to be His "witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” (Acts 1:8) & reminds each of us to "open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." (John 4:35).  Would you visit TODAY & share this invitation with fellow followers of CHRIST? ~ Dai Sup Han, Conference Coordinator, 2022 BSH July 12-15,

    Please read the "BSH Vision & Mission" and "Invitation to BSH July 12-15" below:

    Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,, contact:  Dai Sup also serves as Promise Keepers National Prayer Coordinator, visit, contact: