Monday, October 21, 2019

Transform USA 11/7 Nat'l Conf Call for TC Kim & JESUS' Transforming Revival Across America

Inviting Servant Leaders and Intercessors Across America
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 8-10 AM PACIFIC: Please consider the following November Transform USA 11/7 National Conference Call focused on TC & Soonae Kim, JESUS' TRANSFORMING REVIVAL ACROSS AMERICA in partnership with America Prays,, and invite fellow servant leaders and intercessors to participate with us.  Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#

Transform USA 11/7 National Conference Call
for Transforming America TOGETHER in 2019/2020
Focused on TC & Soon Kim (final 30 min),
in Partnership with America Prays 24/7
www.americaprays.orgClick HERE for video
Thursday Morning, November 7, 2019
8:00-10:00 am Pacific, 9:00-11:00 am Mountain,
10:00 am-12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

Convener of the Monthly Transform USA National Conference Calls: Taechin "TC" Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA,

Chairperson for Transform USA 11/7 National Conference Call: Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator,, National Prayer Coordinator, Promise Keepers,

The following servant leaders are confirmed to contribute towards Transform USA 11/7 National Conference Call (in alphabetical order, as of Nov 4): Brian Alarid, Mark Beliles, Fred & Wilma BerryScott Bradshaw, Maryal Boumann, Luis Bush, Dai Sup Han, Gregg Healey, Summer Ingram, Taechin "TC" Kim, Steve & Lane Loopstra, Allan Parker, Tim & Sandy Ravan, Forest & Cheri RischJohn Robb, Barbara Romeo, Julie Vida, Joe WalshMerv Witherup.

Agenda in Pacific Time, please adjust to your time zone
(subject to change)

8:00-8:10 am  Greet One Another/Welcome by TC KimOpening Prayer of Blessing/Shofar by Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA,

8:10-8:15 am  Update: Transform World Movement & 4/14 Window Movement by Luis BushGlobal Facilitator, and Mission Strategist and Catalyst for the 4/14 Window Movement, (5 min).

8:15-8:20 am  Update: Transforming North America Together by Mark Beliles, North America Facilitator, Transform World,, President, (5 min).

8:20-8:25 am  Thanksgiving & Praise: 10 Days of Prayer 2019, September 29-October 9, Towards Transforming Revival by Gregg HealeyState-Wide Facilitator, Impact Connecticut,, Convener, 10 Days of Prayer Connecticut, (5 min).

8:25-8:30 am  Thanksgiving & Praise: Awaken the Dawn Tent America 2019, October 17-19, Towards Transforming Revival by  Scott Bradshaw, FounderFredericksburg Prayer Furnace & Missions Base, Awakening Community Pastoral Director, www.theprayerfurnace.organd Awaken the Dawn (ATD) Church Network,  (5 min).

8:30-8:35 am  A Word of Encouragement: The Current USA Prayer Movement by Joe Walsh, Servant Leader in the Prayer Movement, Former National Area Leader, West Region, National Day of Prayer Task Force,  (5 min).   

8:35-8:40 am  A Word of Encouragement: Holy Spirit Guided Prayer for the Coming Great Awakening by Tim & Sandy Ravan, Founding Directors, Global Connectors,   (5 min).     

8:40-8:45 am  Thanksgiving & Praise: Prayer Impacting Sanctity of LIFE Movement by Allan Parker, President, The Justice Foundation,, and Co-Author, The Moral Outcry, (5 min).

8:45-8:50 am  Thanksgiving & Praise: 1906 Azusa Street Revival Impacting Global Prayer and Revival in 2019 by  Fred & Wilma Berry, Directors, Azusa Street Mission,  (5 min).  

8:50-8:55 am  Thanksgiving & Praise: Building A Legacy - A Million Men Call to Prayer, November 2, bCheri Risch, Fresno County Leader, PRAY CALIFORNIA, and Forest Risch, Serving with the Gideons, Silver Eagles Founding Director  (5 min).    

8:55-9:00 am  Update: Promise Keepers 2020 Men's Conference, July 31-August 1, AT&T Stadium & Thousands of by Dai Sup Hanclick here to watch "The New Era of Promise Keepers" (5 min).  

9:00-9:30 am Pacific  24/7/365 Prayer: From Whatcom County (Bellingham), WA + Auston, TX to New Mexico Prays to America Prays to World Prays with Brian Alarid, President, America Prays,, click here to watch the "Story of America Prays"  - "OUR VISION TO UNITE & EQUIP 40,000 CHURCHES IN 24/7 PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL AWAKENING":
  • 9:00-9:10 am  The Inspiration of Whatcom County (Bellingham), WA + Auston, TX by Brian Alarid (5 min); 1-2 min prayers offered by Merv WitherupSpokane/Honolulu World Prayer and others.
  • 9:10-9:20 am  New Mexico Prays Praise Report by Brian Alarid (5 min); 1-2 min prayers offered by Barbara Romeo, Midnight Cry, Julie Vida, Serving with Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, and others.
  • 9:20-9:30 am  Together for America Prays & World Prays by Brian Alarid (5 min); 1-2 min prayers offered by Steve & Lane Loopstra, Director, Your Servant in Christ Ministries,, Summer IngramNational Director of Prayer and Mobilization, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation,
America Prays

9:30-10:00 am Pacific  Praising God & Interceding for TC & Soonae Kim - An open time of blessing TC & Soonae, thanking God, interceding for our brother & sister in their time of need (1-2 min each).
  • Confirmed sharing from Luis BushJohn RobbChairman, International Prayer Council, www.ipcprayer.orgFounder, National Prayer Assembly (USA), Maryal Boumann 
10:00 am  Closing Comments by TC KimClosing Prayer/Shofar by Maryal Boumann 

Next Transform USA 12/5
National Conference Call
Thursday, December 5, 2019
 8-10 am Pacific, 9-11 am Mountain,
10 am-12 pm Central, 11 am-1 pm Eastern
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#