Wednesday, May 26, 2021

TUSA 6/1 for America AWAKE! & TUSA 6/3 for Spiritual Awakening in Southern States: TN, KY, AR, LA, OK, TX

On this Memorial Day, let us honor the 1 million+ US Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen who laid down their lives since the 1770s.  Click here for Dai Sup's posting from June 2007.

 Please consider the following links:

Transform USA 6/1 National Prayer Call Next Tuesday, June 1, 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern, 8-9:30 am Pacific, with Special Guest Gary Frost, National Director, March for Jesus, May 22,  TUSA Core Team Members: Doug Small, Founder, Project Pray,, Convener, Pray America _ PRAY!, July 4-31,;  Lisa Crump, Served on Leadership Teams of Focus on the Family & National Day of Prayer Task ForceAmy Stoehr, Co-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego Area, California,; and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America.  Call 712-770-4010  Code 900655#  Visit

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA Monthly National Conf Call
Transforming America Together in CHRIST
Next Thursday, June 3, 2021
for Spiritual Awakening
in The Southern States:
11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern, 10:00 am-12:00 pm Central
9:00-11:00 am Mountain, 8:00-10:00 am Pacific
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6

TUSA 6/3 Schedule/Agenda in Eastern Time.
Subject to change. Please adjust to your time zone.

10:55-11:15 am  Welcome, greet one another, TUSA 6/3 vision.  Opening Prayer & NDP 2021 Praise Report by Kathy Branzell, President, National Day of Prayer Task Force,    

11:15-11:30 am  TENNESSEE Praise Report & Prayer Points by Peggy Adams & Rita Williams, Serving with History Makers Prayer Tribe National Daily Calls, 8 am Central, call 515-604-9774, code 557346# (3-5 min each). Prayers for TENNESSEE offered by:
  • Sarah Lowe, National Area Leader for the South Central Region & Tennessee State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, 
  • Others to be announced
11:30-11:45 am  KENTUCKY Praise Report & Prayer Points by Spike LatimerKentucky State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, (4-7 min).  Prayers for KENTUCKY offered by:
  • Amy Stoehr, TUSA Core Team Member, Co-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego Area, California, 
  • Others to be announced
11:45 am-12:00 pm  ARKANSAS Praise Report & Prayer Points by Pastor Arthur HuntKentucky State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, (4-7 min).  Prayers for ARKANSAS offered by:
  • Bev Dennen, Serving with ASK Network, 
  • Donna LaBelle, Transform USA Colorado Springs Prayer Team
  • Others to be announced
12:00-12:15 pm  LOUISIANA Praise Report & Prayer Points by Cindy CollinsFounder, SpeakHope,, Advisor to Operation Outcry, (4-7 min).  Prayers for LOUISIANA offered by:
12:15-12:30 pm  OKLAHOMA Praise Report & Prayer Points by Dr. Negiel Bigpond, Convener, All Tribes DC, September 10-11, www.alltribesdc.orgCo-founder/Director, Two Rivers Native American Training Center, (4-7 min).  Prayers for OKLAHOMA offered by: 
  • Joyce Seeley, Strategic Intercessor, Oregon
  • To be announced
12:30-12:45 pm  TEXAS Praise Report & Prayer Points by Lewis Hogan, Founder/President, United Cry,, Coordinator, Dallas-Fort Worth Prays, (4-7 min).  Prayers for TEXAS offered by:
12:45-1:00 pm  Promise Keepers 2021 Global Conference, AT&T Stadium, July 16-17www.promisekeepersevent.comand Pray America - PRAY!, July 4-31,

1:00 pm  Closing prayers

Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer Call & Monthly 1st Thursday National Conference, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,, contact:  For Promise Keepers 2021, visit, contact:  For Pray America - PRAY!, July 4-28, visit www.americasprayermeeting.orgcontact:

Invitation to Serve as a Prayer Mobilizer 
Pray America - PRAY, July 4-31, 2021 
Together Seeking GOD for the Next Great Awakening  

Dear Friend: 

This is an invitation for you to serve the LORD and engage with the Body of CHRIST as a Prayer Mobilizer for Pray America - PRAY!, July 4-31, 2021.

Would you consider joining a fresh, new movement of like-minded believers who are mobilizing prayer towards the Next Great Awakening? 

We would all agree that America is in a desperate need of spiritual awakening that only comes by "holy desperation" of prayer and obedience.  We can sense our FATHER inviting us to seek Him for His deliverance and destiny of our nation.  Together, we must seize this moment, and in one grand united effort, respond to GOD and implore Him to intervene, to awaken and revive His Ecclesia and show Himself gloriously alive to a nation that has abandoned its spiritual roots. 

Let us invite the Church of America to intercede everywhere on our nation's 245th birthday and throughout July!  Let us "Appeal to Heaven" at the heart of our cities, counties, states and nation!  Let us pray in our church buildings, homes and offices!  Let us pray as we walk in our neighborhoods!  Let us pray in the marketplace, on school campuses, in/around government buildings!  Let us pray everywhere, ask GOD to release His presence and heal our land.  

Would you accept this invitation to serve as a prayer mobilizer for your congregation, city and/or county?  Please register today at

I look forward to hearing from you and having the honor of partnering together towards the Next Great Awakening! 

Together in Christ, 
Dai Sup Han 
National Prayer Mobilizer      
Pray America - PRAY!, July 4-31                

Monday, May 24, 2021

TUSA 5/25 with WWII Vet Fred Lunsford, Doug Small, Lisa Crump, Amy Stoehr

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA Weekly National Prayer Call
Transforming America TOGETHER in Christ
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
 for Spiritual Awakening
in Cities Across America
11:00 am-12:30 pm Eastern, 10:00-11:30 Central
9:00-10:30 am Mountain, 8:00-9:30 am Pacific
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
TUSA 5/25 with Special Guest World War II Veteran Fred Lunsford, Co-convener, Every Day with  TUSA Core Team Members: Doug Small, Founder, Project Pray,, Convener, Pray America - PRAY!, July 4-31,;  Lisa Crump, Served on Leadership Teams of Focus on the Family & National Day of Prayer Task ForceAmy Stoehr, Co-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego Area, California,; and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America.

Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer Call & Monthly 1st Thursday National Conference, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,, contact:  For Promise Keepers 2021, visit, contact:  For Pray America - PRAY!, July 4-28, visit www.americasprayermeeting.orgcontact:

Monday, May 17, 2021

TUSA 5/18 with Gary Frost, Doug Small, Lisa Crump, Amy Stoehr

 Please consider the following links:

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
Transform USA Weekly National Prayer Call
Transforming America TOGETHER in Christ
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
 for Spiritual Awakening
in Cities Across America
11:00 am-12:30 pm Eastern, 10:00-11:30 Central
9:00-10:30 am Mountain, 8:00-9:30 am Pacific
Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6
TUSA 5/18 with Special Guest Gary Frost, National Director, March for Jesus, May 22,  TUSA Core Team Members: Doug Small, Founder, Project Pray,, Convener, America's Prayer Meeting, May 4-6,;  Lisa Crump, Served on Leadership Teams of Focus on the Family & National Day of Prayer Task ForceAmy Stoehr, Co-founder, The River Family Church, San Diego Area, California,; and Servant Leaders/Intercessors Across America.

Dai Sup Han, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer Call & Monthly 1st Thursday National Conference, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!,, contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.comFor Promise Keepers 2021, visit, contact:  For Pray America Pray, July 4-28, visit www.americapray.netcontact: